Tips You Need To Know… before you ✈️ fly!

I have been back at it and traveling for work and it is truly a new trying frontier. If you haven’t flown lately, since the pandemic or ever here are some things to expect … maybe!

Recently my flight got cancelled while I was still in the air traveling from Las Vegas to Atlanta. I did not learn of this news until I was able to turn my iphone as we landed and headed toward the gate. WOW! I was NOT ready for that. Atlanta to Jacksonville Fl is a quick 30-45 minute flight and the sun 🌞 was shining and the skies were the most gorgeous shade of blue!

My husband and I had no luggage,no toiletries,no fresh clothes and no night clothes to go to sleep in.

I usually travel on board with a just in case kit but accidentally packed it in my luggage. We were so not ready for this news but tried to go with the flow. When we walked over to the the ticket counter for Delta there were many others in our shoes so we felt a bit better.

Come to find out we had NO PILOT and no flight crew to take us to Jacksonville Fl that is why our flight was cancelled not due to weather or airplane troubles. You hear and see scenarios on the news BUT when it happens to YOU …is another story. I felt so lost even though I knew it would happen eventually.

Here are some stress relieving ideas for taking on board the plane with you.Create a compact bag for each of you filled with the “Bare Necessities” you may need.

Think small sizes!

Only decide what you really really WANT and need. PSP

For the MEN:

A bag of  travel sized  shave cream, a razor, toothbrush,toothpaste. A shirt for the next day and a fresh pair of underwear.

For the Women:

A bag filled with makeup remover towelettes, moisturizer and your favorite  makeup items. Keep it simple. A tinted moisturizer OR choose a double-duty beauty like powder compact to even out skin tone and tone down shine.Lipstick can be used as blush in a pinch. Eyeliner to define the eyes in place of  a tube of mascara. A nightgown or nightshirt,and a fresh pair of underwear.

Have children with you? YOU know best on what to pack for them and amuse them too.

Travel size toiletries and more you both can share:

Deodorant,a unisex fragrance, package of Q-TIPS,tissues,small hairbrush and comb,hand and body lotion. Usually the hotel supplies shampoo and conditioner.

Bring your RX prescriptions on the plane. Pack something for upset stomach,headaches and anything else you use. An eye mask or a roll on essential oil to keep calm.

Pack a lightweight empty bottle for water for yourselves that you can refill at the airport and save money and keep hydrated.

SNACKS are a must! I have learned to pack a combination of healthy and yummy options.Think comfort food.

MINI bags of dried fruit like cranberries,an apple, small cookies,crackers,gummy bears,potato chips, chocolate bars,gum,mints. Pack a bit of what you love!

Bringing a book or two or some magazines is ALWAYS a good idea.

All of the above are just in case your flight is cancelled and you may have to  stay at a hotel overnight. Please note you don’t know what the hotel may have in the way of toiletries in the room. So, its best to pack your own. OR your plane does not take off in a timely manner and you are stuck on the plane as that can happen too. Most times they serve no drinks or snacks while you wait.  These days you never know.

Getting away for an overnight this Labor day  weekend  or making it a long weekend. Be prepared…it will make your life so much easier.

I hope you do have a safe and fabulous flight and get where you want to go.

Snacks and an empty water bottle are a good idea too. I love to pack a combination of healthy and yummy options. Comfort food. Dried fruits, cookies, gummy bears, mini chocolate bars, cheese crackers or peanut butter crackers. All of these JUST IN CASE. Cause these days you never know.

Getting away for an over night trip or a long Labor Day weekend. Be prepared. It makes life so much easier!


Don’t forget when you go from your hotel that the airline may put you up in you will have to go through Security AGAIN when you enter the airport for your new flight.

Delta Airlines,Travel and more!

airplane seat POD

I love to travel for work but I love to play too. When I visit a city I don’t just stay the time my business trip is for I stay a little bit more. If you read my blog…I am all about explore!

This time I was in First Class on an airplane that is usually used for International flights. I got lucky. The seats are like this. What you see is my purse and tote bag filled with beauty & fashion magazines and I had my own large screen and HUGE chair that goes back they call a POD. It goes back like a bed!You can actually go to sleep in it. My table space was like a mini vanity. It was an awesome flight!

Lap in luxury after working hard out-of-town across the country…was a very pleasant and most unexpected surprise.

THE SERVICE from the flight attendants was amazing. Delta is my go to airline AND also my happy place. I love to fly! Delta  99% of the time takes care of me. Never disappoints and the CHEF has really stepped it up. The food and desserts are amazing.

Now, I’ve got another half  week ahead…back to TV today and on The Chat,gotta get caught up in my office and makeup studio and taking care of my husband who I have missed too. A business owners work is never done.

Can you say exhausted already?

Enjoy your week,Beautiful!

First Class Skin Care!

SHARI flight attendent beauty

Flying is fun but exhausting!!! I recently took a flight where I was asked by a flight attendant is my name Noreen Young? I replied yes, why do you ask? She replied I attended a spa show where you guest spoke and I so LOVED your class!!! Then she handed me her business her business card above…I was in awe.  Priceless isn’t it?

She said I inspired her so much she began to look at her skin and decided she needed to do something about it to make it better.She is a triple threat. A flight attendant,a nurse and an esthetician. She sent me some things I could not resist using. Tomorrow I will share my fave products from her line.  If you want your skin to look sublime you have to give it some time!