Thankful November

“Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many”. No one knows who said this but I think the  words are very powerful!

As a professional makeup-artist I hear so many negatives from women about aging and how unattractive they are getting with age. Even the younger ladies tell me this. We need to erase this kind of chatter!!!

I am truly THANKFUL  I am still in the game. Aging with grace and becoming even better with age. It beats the alternative. And you?

Oh so November THANKFUL for lipstick!

They make my lips and me HAPPY! 

On any given day you can peek into my handbag and you will find up to eight lipsticks and glosses combined. Some for color some for conditioning. Whoever invented them years ago needs a big juicy  kiss~

Color me! Gloss me! Tint me! Soothe me! Nourish me! Paint me! Exfoliate me! Shine me!

I am so very thankful for LUSCIOUS  lipsticks,glosses and balms! 

They protect my pout, add color to my complexion, protect me from skin cancer of the lips! And wearing them make me more KISSABLE!

They make me go from plain to… just plain sexy

Do you love lipsticks like I do? SHARE with me. Talk to me!