
Germs šŸ¦  are all around us and our precious little ones are at risk now even more.

So, where do cooties come from? Where does that word come from?

person holding red and black toy car

Photo by Lukas on

I once read an article the word cootie comes from the Malaysian word ‘kutu”meaning lice. The word was first recorded when an American general in wartime used the word cooties as an all -encompassing word in a letter referring to the different bugs and lice he encountered in the trenches of battle. No one is quite sure how the word cootie hasĀ  made its way to schools and the playground.

The other day I was on a Zoom call with a relative and noticed how her children played in the background with such wonder and passion. Trying to discover the next thing they could on the floor. I also noticed MANY things going into their mouths!!! All to happy to explore. I then thought on how much the unit I told you about called SterileLight Illumicide disinfecting case that I use in my beauty business to clean my makeup and skincare,disinfect my makeup brushes and more can be used with babies and in children’s rooms and things. I knew it was great for baby bottles and teething rings but looking around even more at these nine month old babies and another 2 year old what a necessity it could be.

The COVID-19 pandemic is making us thinkĀ  beyondĀ  just washing our hands to the entire tune of Happy Birthday to keep our hands clean. Children and our homes and home offices need to be protected and so do all our belongings and things.


Here’s a list of a few things I thought you can disinfect too and in just a few minutes:

Baby bottles

Sippy cups

Kitchen utensils

Food Bowls and plates

Teething rings

Hair brushes and combs

Nail clippers etc.

Baby Toys

Children’s toys

Story books both made of paper and plastic

Small baby blankets

Small plush toys


And I am sure you can dream up and think of a whole lot of more things you’d like to disinfect. As I mentioned before when you discover something that you love and you know others would too. YOU simply have to share. So one day do yourself and your family a favor and learn what SterileLight can do for you,your entire family and your entire home too. I don’t work for the company I am simply thrilled about this new technology and what it does. It disinfects and sanitizes using a germicidal and bacteria killing light.


Keeping ourselves and our family healthy and out of harms way…is our priority.