Dull Tired Skin?

Afternoon delight or after dinner beauty while in quarantine. Dull dry skin needs your attention for your makeup to glide on like silk and for your skin to feel softer and look refreshed and smooth again.

This recipe’s anti-oxidants and lactic acid also help with fine lines and wrinkles.

What you will need is:

A bottle of red 🍷 wine

2 tablespoons of wine

2 tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt (organic)

*This recipe is for adults only please.

Another version can be by simply adding a teaspoon of honey 🍯 to the recipe. Very extra hydration.

Mix all of these in a small glass bowl.

Wash your face.

Apply mask ingredients to your face.

While the face mask dries sip a glass of heart ❤️ healthy wine 🍷 if you’d like.

Leave on at least 15 minutes.

Rinse off with lukewarm water and a washcloth.

Apply your moisturizer and eye gel or cream and you’re good to go.

Your skin will love you back. I promise!

bottle container cream creamy

Photo by Burst on Pexels.com

alcohol bar beverage black background

Photo by freestocks.org on Pexels.com