Too cute not to share!

This week I created and styled this fun and delicious Halloween 🎃 candy board for one.

I found a bag of body parts from World Market and added candy corn and mini pumpkins 🎃 from the Dollar General! Of course since I am so in love 🧡 with all things Peeps I grabbed all the ghost 👻 Peeps I could find. Not an easy task as those spooky cute and yummy ghosts are hard to find!

I already had the mini boards in my kitchen closet.

Isn’t it festive? I served it to my adult girlies but you can make and really serve it to anyone. My husband even got a kick out of it! Or have the kids or your grandchildren create and eat them on Halloween 🎃 at home.

Just the right amount of sweet & festive. You can serve the candy board with a bewitching brew 🥂 too! I made a “Witchy Woman”.

I named it my “Char-BOO-terie 👻” board!

Let me know what you think!

How To Celebrate Cinco De Mayo At Home With A Virtual Fiesta — StyleCaster

Sharing is caring. I love a good party. Even if it is for one. And even if we are not going to be able to celebrate like years gone by. Check out this fun blog post from one of my fave bloggers. Get shopping it is just days away.

While Cinco de Mayo officially celebrates the 1862 Mexican army’s victory over the French, it’s become a holiday that people across the world celebrate. Typically, most people would spend the day eating at Mexican restaurants, downing margaritas and throwing parties—but in these unprecedented times, we’re having to adjust how we celebrate. Luckily, there are so many…

via How To Celebrate Cinco De Mayo At Home With A Virtual Fiesta — StyleCaster

Eat: Chocolate Peanut Butter Bark —

I so love to eat, create and makeup! So, I simply had to share this recipe by ELE with you. I plan on making this Halloween week and over the holiday season. Looks so delightful and delish! Doesn’t it?

If you are a regular reader of ELE you will know we are very fond of delicious chocolate bark recipes. Easy to make and always a crowd pleaser, it is a great way to make a simple block of chocolate that little bit more special. With the festive season not that far away, bark is…

via Eat: Chocolate Peanut Butter Bark —

The scent of a woman…is important!

Shopping for makeup is easy! 

Shopping for fragrance is yet another kind of shopping altogether. I recently went shopping for Christmas gifts for my brother- in- law and lured by a fragrance counter. The lights,the bottles and scents! The sales associate greeted me quickly and wondered who I was buying for. I said no one. I  told her I thought I would touch, spray and see what calls out to me!

She started to assist and I did not mind as I used to work in Bloomingdales 59th St. and Macys 34th Street in NYC  and I know all about the job. They stand all day and work hard! 

She tired her best to introduce me to some scents. After she was about to show and spritz the fifth one. I had to say “Bye” at least for now. I was getting fragrance overload. She was disapoointed to see me leave and offered me the infamous coffee bean bowl. If you haven’t been to a fine fragrance counter this is a PROfessional fragrance and perfumer’s tip …You sniff the coffee beans to clear your nose of all the scents and start sniffing scents again. Sort of like the sherbet or sorbet that they serve you between dishes at a fine restaurant! That is why I chose to do this blog post today to let you know the process.

Back to the fragrances and the sales associate…I was confused and wasn’t feeling it. I needed to shop for holiday gifts. So, I left that store. Every time I placed my wrists or hands toward my face to move my hair, or sling my tote over my shouder I suddenly fell in love with the top of my hand where one of the fragances I tested was. I couldn’t stop sniffing and smelling my hand. I smelled so sexy and the scent made me feel so happy. I drove back to that store that night and had to buy a bottle and a body cream to go with it.

So, the next time you are in the mood or just happen to feel like you want to test drive something new. Don’t try more than 3 or 4 fragrances at a time tops! Don’t be in a hurry. Wait a while to see how the fragrance traslates and smells on you. Smelling coffee beans is great but most times you simply have to wait.

I smelled so …Delish!

What scent are you wearing today? Talk to me.four assorted perfume glass bottles

Photo by Valeria Boltneva on