Day 9 of MY Beauty Secrets


I never use to think sunglasses were needed. I mean they are attractive. But I thought you only wore them at the beach. But living up North we only had a couple of months out of the year to really enjoy time in the sun! So, I really saw no need for them since I wasn’t going to the beach much.

After visiting Hollywood for work and play I discovered Celebrities wore them a lot. Not just to look chic or cool 😎 but to hide behind.

As time went on… I saw the light! The sunlight that is.

Protect Those Pretty Eyes!

Sunglasses 🕶 are my Eyes BAE. They protect my eyes and vision in so many ways. They protect the skin around my eyes as well.

They also make a fashion statement and are a fun addition to my wardrobe.

So what took me so long? If it’s going to help me look a bit younger around the eyes and keep my vision as best as it can be. I choose sunglasses as my beauty secret for my skin and eyes!

What is SPF?


SPF stands for sun protection factor and is a measure of the sunscreen’s ability to prevent UV rays from damaging the skin.

It takes 10 minutes for your skin to turn red when you are out in the sun,with SPF50 you can stay out in the sun 50 times longer before you begin to burn.Isn’t that amazing?


What is a UV RAY? I know it sounds confusing but here is an easy answer. “UV” stands for ultraviolet rays. These invisible rays are a part of the energy that comes from the sun and can damage the skin,causing melanoma and other types of skin cancer.


Cause lasting skin damage,skin aging,& skin cancer.


Cause sunburns,sun damage and skin cancer.

I love a walk on the beach and had my days in the sun BUT… Take it from me I’ve had skin cancer.Protect Your skin!

Please COVER UP, Buttercup!

*I featured all kinds of products for practicing safe sun and getting a safe pretty tan.You can follow me at Type in my name NOREEN YOUNG in the search bar and video will come up!

Oh so November THANKFUL for lipstick!

They make my lips and me HAPPY! 

On any given day you can peek into my handbag and you will find up to eight lipsticks and glosses combined. Some for color some for conditioning. Whoever invented them years ago needs a big juicy  kiss~

Color me! Gloss me! Tint me! Soothe me! Nourish me! Paint me! Exfoliate me! Shine me!

I am so very thankful for LUSCIOUS  lipsticks,glosses and balms! 

They protect my pout, add color to my complexion, protect me from skin cancer of the lips! And wearing them make me more KISSABLE!

They make me go from plain to… just plain sexy! 

Do you love lipsticks like I do? SHARE with me. Talk to me!