Two Minutes to a…Natural Summer Glow

macro photography of black sunglasses on sand

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on

SUMMER is definitely not over by any means all across the country. Today in sunny Florida it is going to feel like 107 degrees!

I can barley put on one of my many gorgeous necklaces ๐Ÿ’Ž and if you know me I love wearing necklaces! I feel naked without one and a lipstick.

So, I have been wearing less and doing a light touch to my beauty routine this summer. I don’t use alot of foundation but do like a bit of even coverage. So, here is one of my recipes for creating a soft summer glow by customizing a lightweight soft looking and feeling foundation.

  • Place a dash (a quarter size or less) of your favorite moisturzer in the palm of your hands.
  • Sprinkle in a little loose mineral powder a couple of shades darker than you would normally wear. Choose a champagne,gold or tawny shade.
  • Mix the two until you get the desired consistency and look and apply to the skin.

THIS combination will even out,or warm up your summer tan glow or to fake a tan!

Set with Rose ๐ŸŒน Water Kisses spray.

It can also be used on your chest,decolette and shoulders in the summertime when weraing a low cut or strapless dress.

Glow ๐ŸŒž on!



Playing in the SUN!

IMG_1808Is so much fun!

This weekend we celebrate Memorial day weekend with barbeques,cocktails andย  spending time outdoors in the SUNSHINE! While Florida is not going to get a piece of that sunny pie due to the subtropical storm that’s headed our way you may get your share of fun in the sun.

SAVE that pretty face!

Use a self tanner a few days or the night before you go out in the sun.You’ll get a dash of color and feel better too.

Sunscreen! MY ANTI-AGING DREAM CREAM! A shot glass applied to your skin at least every 4 hours will cover you!

Did you know there are many other ways you can protect your skin from the sun?ย  Powder up with Sun Powder. A light powder with sunscreen that protects and evens out your complexion a bit.

Wear a lip conditioner or a hydrating lipstick but stay away from glossy extra shiny lip gloss. They attract the sun to your face and may actually give you a sunburn.

Wear SUNNIES but buy non reflective shiny sunglasses While I love the way they look they too attract the suns rays and can give you a burn.

Wear a pretty or fun in the sun hat…any kind of hat. Did you know even your scalp and hair can get a sunburn?

If you do happen to get sunburned on your face this summer season …HELP is your refrigerator. Plain organic yogurt works wonders to calm the heat and your skin down.

Another trick is to bathe in real milk (This was Cleopatra’s beauty secret). OR pour some milk on wash cloth with cold milk. Applied to your skin it cools you down and helps with sunburn and peeling.

Nowadays…There is NO REASON why you have to get a sunburn.

You don’t want old leathery looking skin, sunspots,red splotches,wrinkles or worse yet skin cancer. Do you?


VIVA Las Vegas again!


It is that fabulous time again for me to guest speak at another spa conference. Professionals from all over the world will fly and flock to the Las Vegas Convention Center.It’s HOT ,its work but exciting and fun.

I am going to TRY and post more from the show and even do a few videos from my walk down Beauty Avenue and Skin Streets. I will be guest speaking two classes one on Celebrity Skin Care and another class on MAKEUP.

You know I live and breathe makeup!

I can hardly wait to meet and see them work their magic…the BEST hair stylists that rock hair and some as seen on The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

I also look forward to seeing the latest and greatest in nails. Nails are a huge market that is on fire.

This year there will be an All Things Tanning Show…while I am a skin cancer survivor I don’t promote a tanning bed. I am excited to see what new products we will use to get a glorious healthy looking tan without the HOT sun’s rays damage.

I am so happy more of you are following me and sending messages to me and so happy you have become a fan of my blog. I know I don’t post all the time as my business and guest speaking and hubby are my priority.

YOU and my Beauty Candy Blog are special to me too.

So stay tuned and come back this weekend. I promise it will be interesting and worth your while.

What is SPF?


SPF stands for sun protection factor and is a measure of the sunscreen’s ability to prevent UV rays from damaging the skin.

It takes 10 minutes for your skin to turn red when you are out in the sun,with SPF50 you can stay out in the sun 50 times longer before you begin to burn.Isn’t that amazing?


What is a UV RAY? I know it sounds confusing but here is an easy answer.ย “UV” stands for ultraviolet rays. These invisible rays are a part of the energy that comes from the sun and can damage the skin,causing melanoma and other types of skin cancer.


Cause lasting skin damage,skin aging,& skin cancer.


Cause sunburns,sun damage and skin cancer.

I love a walk on the beach and had my days in the sun BUT… Take it from me I’ve had skin cancer.Protect Your skin!

Please COVER UP, Buttercup!

*I featured all kinds of products for practicing safe sun and getting a safe pretty tan.You can follow me at Type in my name NOREEN YOUNG in the search bar and video will come up!

Video Tips on How-To Make your own Face Bronzer & that gorgeous celebrity glow!

/>TV 4 Photo

Memorial Day is usually considered the unofficial start of summer, and with the beach just a few miles away everyone is eager to get that sun-kissed glow. But being unprotected in the sun can be damaging to your skin.′>How to get a gorgeous tan glow.


Memorial Day weekend Tan

PR 2013 BEACHI can tell the way the phone calls for appointments stop at my sweet beauty retreat in sunny Florida and the phone rings less that we are coming upon a long holiday weekend.Our mail orders show us that people want all things to tan and give that gorgoeus tan glow.
But BEFORE you get your glow on you need this.

In order for your skin to receive self tanner in spray,powder or lotion you MUST exfoliate your skin both face and body.Say bye bye to dead tired skin and prep the skin for that I escaped to a beautiful island look.

I have many beauty recipes that I whip up from time to time in my recipe box.But this one I received from a friend had a sweet ingredient I have never added to my recipe.The sweet secret is HONEY.

Lemon Honey Sweet Sugar Scrub

1/2 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of sweet almond oil
4 teaspoons lemon juice
4 tablespoons of honey
4 drops of lemon essential oil

First you mix the oil and sugar.
Next add the other ingredients and mix well.
Polish your skin using light pressure for 30-60 seconds.Pay special attention to your knees,elbows and any areas of concern where you have dry skin patches.

Wipe clean with a warm soft washcloth and rinse well.

Your skin will feel AMAZING,soft and silky smooth.
Now, your skin is ready for your self tanner or a base tan. But I professionally recommend NOT baking like a dozen chococolate chip cookies in the sun! Beach,patio or backyard PROTECT your beautiful skin from the harmful sun rays.
A little of the sun’s vitamin D goes a long way,my little cupcakes!

Have a beautiful weekend wherever you live. Celebrate life!