After a day at the beach or in the sun!

It isn’t all you expected is it? The first few  or time back in the sun after winter is tough. on your skin. Especially when you don’t bring your BFF’S. A sunscreen,sunglasses and lip conditioner. SUNBURN that dreaded look and feeling after a day or two in the sun. You aren’t sitting pretty!

beach blur clouds dawn

Photo by Pixabay on


The #1. thing you should have done was throw out last years or expired sunscreen or sunblocks. You need a fresh one! Please don’t forget to reapply not just apply once and think you are all set. You’re NOT!

2. Protect those PEEPERS and wear sunglasses. Squinting causes wrinkles and your eyes themselves need sun protection. Your lips need some love to with a lip balm.

3. Once you’re burned by the sun and outdoors…you need to rescue your skin! But calm down I’ve got your back!

Try a yogurt …plain fluffy Greek yogurt. You can make your own (I will share how you on another TV blog) get some store bought. Apply to your skin like a face mask. A thin coat will do. leave on and rinse well. Add moisture back to your skin! Apply your fav’ moisturizer and face cream.

*Yogurt is a legendary and easy remedy.

bottle container cream creamy

Photo by Burst on

4. COOL the burn on your skin with milk on a flat cotton pad or gauze.

5. IF you own an aloe plant…grab a leaf. Cut it open and apply the gel inside on the skin. Great for peeling and itchy skin too. Or fill an ice cube tray with aloe vera gel (found in drug store) and freeze. Roll a cube on the burn and cool down that skin! Aloe plants make great plants for outside your kitchen door. OR in your home. Easy to maintain. Good for kitchen burns while cooking too.

green and gray bird perching on aloe vera plant

Photo by Jean van der Meulen on

6. Add moisture back to your skin! Soothe your skin further by applying your fav’ moisturizer and face cream. My latest aloe find is Therapispa aloe lotion for the body and the face cream.

I hope and know you will find these skin rescues for your skin useful.

Enjoy a healthy dose of the sun 🌞 this summer!

*Sharing these tips on WJXT4 on River City Live this moring. You can cacththe video clip later today online and watch anytime!


Hello Sunshine!

four people on lounge chairs near the beach

Photo by Snapwire on

Have you been spending time baking like croissants in the sun?

Or have you been  spending time doing different things in all places in the sun this season.

If you  have… perhaps a sunburn has come your way or worse yet …sunburn,red as a lobster,blistering and dreaded peeling.

Recently I showed  TV viewers simple home remedies you can do when you have had too much fun in the sun! So, I am sharing them with you. I LOVE THE SUN but got burned a few times. One was pretty bad. I also enjoyed the tan from a tanning bad. I cover up NOW and have never done it again. Really! Once you get skin cancer you never forget it. Neither does your skin. Your skin always remembers how you treat it and will show it too!

  • Apple cider vinegar: Take a bath in it. It will make you feel so much better. Fill a tub with luke warm or cool water and a cup of the apple cider vinegar.
  • Baking soda:Make a cooling paste with it and some water or take a refreshing bath in it with a cup of baking soda.
  • Fresh aloe or Aloe Vera gel are so cooling and take down the redness and heat from the burn.
  • Stay Hydrated with water,coconut water,sports drink or a skin loving drink called All Beauty Drink.
  • Cool Milk compresses on a washcloth or a cotton gauze pad work wonders.
food milk liquid drip

Photo by Pixabay on

  • To calm the heat of your body from the burn fill a mini spray bottle with lavender oil and water. Shake it up and spray on the burn. You’ll cool off immediately!
  • You’ll FEEL BETTER and cooler in no time with my tips and easy home remedies and hopefully not blister and peel. If you do. Here’s what to do! An oatmeal and water bath will help with that itchy skin.
bunch of nuts served on bowls

Photo by Mike on

Word to the Wise: Wear a SHOT GLASS worth of sunscreen. You”ll still get some color. Just be SMART and more protected. You don’t want face and body sun spots and those not so pretty wrinkles!


Playing in the SUN!

IMG_1808Is so much fun!

This weekend we celebrate Memorial day weekend with barbeques,cocktails and  spending time outdoors in the SUNSHINE! While Florida is not going to get a piece of that sunny pie due to the subtropical storm that’s headed our way you may get your share of fun in the sun.

SAVE that pretty face!

Use a self tanner a few days or the night before you go out in the sun.You’ll get a dash of color and feel better too.

Sunscreen! MY ANTI-AGING DREAM CREAM! A shot glass applied to your skin at least every 4 hours will cover you!

Did you know there are many other ways you can protect your skin from the sun?  Powder up with Sun Powder. A light powder with sunscreen that protects and evens out your complexion a bit.

Wear a lip conditioner or a hydrating lipstick but stay away from glossy extra shiny lip gloss. They attract the sun to your face and may actually give you a sunburn.

Wear SUNNIES but buy non reflective shiny sunglasses While I love the way they look they too attract the suns rays and can give you a burn.

Wear a pretty or fun in the sun hat…any kind of hat. Did you know even your scalp and hair can get a sunburn?

If you do happen to get sunburned on your face this summer season …HELP is your refrigerator. Plain organic yogurt works wonders to calm the heat and your skin down.

Another trick is to bathe in real milk (This was Cleopatra’s beauty secret). OR pour some milk on wash cloth with cold milk. Applied to your skin it cools you down and helps with sunburn and peeling.

Nowadays…There is NO REASON why you have to get a sunburn.

You don’t want old leathery looking skin, sunspots,red splotches,wrinkles or worse yet skin cancer. Do you?



aloe ice trayOuch!

This Memorial day holiday weekend I saw lot of LOBSTER looking girls,guys and unfortunately kids. Here are some quick skin fixes for sunburn.

Keep an aloe plant in your kitchen.It offers a quick and soothing rescue for your skin. I also like to fill a tray with aloe ver gel and freeze. Take an ice cube and warm in your hand a few seconds,roll gently on the skin where you have a burn or skin irritation.Or you can try Lily of the Desert aloe vera recovery gelly and apply. Both have anti-inflammatory  effects and sooth the skin too.Similasan Burn recovery is also another soothing choice. Found at Whole Foods market.

Alba Botanica Burn relief spray or try a cooling bath in oatmeal flakes. Aura Cacia has an awesome soothing chamomile and oats body soak.Relieves itching,burning feel and the not s pretty skin,peeling and flaking you get after a burn.

Take a cool water bath with fresh edible flowers…drink a glass of water with an edible flower too and enjoy a pretty looking bath too!

Hydrate your skin with cocoa butter,shea butter or any skin softening lotion or cream.

Cold cucumbers grated  and applied in cheesecloth on your face or eye slices are a refreshing and cool skin and eye treat. Did you know your eyes can get sunburned too?

*Stay away from …salt,nut or sugar scrubs at this time.They are too harsh for your red raw skin.

Doctors recommend taking an over the counter pain reliever such as Ibuprophen or Naproxen for pain relief and inflammation.

Taking a vitamin E supplement is a good idea too.Helps to heal skin faster too.

Coconut water is a way you can hydrate from within.Your skin and body are thirsty and dehydrated from the outdoors and the hot sun.

Hope these ideas help you and come to your rescue.

No sunscreen makes me want to scream!

Sunscreen beach 2014 photo

When you head out to enjoy the long 4th of July holiday weekend.

Don’t forget this…SUNSCREEN!

Whether on the beach,sunbathing,walking,playing golf,active in sports,bike riding,surfing,or on a boat. You need to be protected. And by the way just because you have a medium to dark complexion doesn’t mean you don’t need it.
ALL faces,bodies and skin types can get BURNED. Even BABIES need protection!!!

Now don’t get me wrong, you can spend time outdoors and escape for a beautiful walk on the beach. However,you’ve gotta protect your skin and your health! Don’t you?

I LOVVVVVE the way the sun kisses my face daily. I love spending time in the sun.But everything in healthy moderation and the right protection.I am a skin professional who simply wants to HELP you be sun smart.

My sister was diagnosed with Squamous cell skin cancer, my other sister was diagnosed with Melanoma and they don’t even spend time in the sun.They sunbathed just a little when they were teens.They never used a tanning bed and since they live so far from a beach they don’t spend any time at the beach or outdoors except to go in and out of their house door or car. Now,after their diagnosis they stay completely out of the sun and use sunscreen.

Skin cancer is on the rise.
It should be no surprise! MOST people are not skin smart these days.
Don’t be one of the not so pretty or fatal statistics.
Protect yourself!
LOVE that skin and body you’re in.
You’ll be glad you did.

Hot Red Mess!

aloe ice tray
I was on TV on a Morning Show again last Saturday and wanted to share with you a recipe from my TV segment.
I showed “Beauty rescues for beauty dilemmas”.
It is so hot yet people continue to play in the sun and strive for that sun kissed golden glow. But sometimes that fun in the sun turns into a HOT RED MESS sunburn. Your skin is on fire and you need to cool it down.

First doctors recommend taking an aspirin to cool your body heat down. If you can’t take aspirin ask your doctor about another form.

Next, BEFORE your skin really starts to itch and peel you need to take some inexpensive Aloe Vera gel, CVS DRUG store will work fine. It does not need to be expensive. Take an ice cube tray and fill in the empty cube section with ALOE Vera gel. Make sure it’s fresh and NOT last years bottle from your medicine cabinet. Freeze over night or at least a few hours. Pull out tray and check to see if is ready when you are. They freeze in my freezer pretty fast for me.

On clean skin apply the Aloe Vera ice cube and rub gently on affected areas.
It can be used on the face or entire body down to your toes. This is not only cool but will make your skin feel AMAZING and cool the heat. It will also help stop the chance or limit the time you have peeling, dry or itchy skin from the red sunburn.

I love Aloe for that unexpected KITCHEN BURN too and keep a fresh potted plant growing of it near my kitchen door.

Clear Aloe Vera gel can also act as a face primer when you have a burn or allergic reaction to something. I have even used it around my eye area. A little dab will do you.

This magical plants gel can also be used to help fight acne.

Aloe Vera gel is said to be good for insect bites, scalds and to heal blisters from our sky high stilettos!

Aloe Vera juice is a great stomach soother and if you have ACID REFLUX it can do wonders for your digestive tract. It also helps people with stomach ulcers, constipation and has detoxifying effects.

Buy a plant today and keep healthy the natural way!

To see my video clip from TV go to place my name in the search tool bar.

Day 21 to more beautiful skin

Your eyes and the skin around them!

Working in New York you are hidden by lots of buildiings so the sun to me didn’t hit my face like it does in Florida. For years I did not wear sunglasses! Now I think I got a bit smarter on this and see the difference. The skin around your eyes needs TLC and that means sunglasses they actually PROTECT the health of your eyes.They also help with preventing more wrinkles. Squinting from the sun causes wrinkles and not using sunglasses can age that delicate tissue around your eyes over time. My clients whine about those crows feet. I hate those words. I am not a crow and neither are they. They simply need to protect your eyes and take care of them. I used to think sunglasses are just for celebrities in Hollywood.Silly me!

It’s the weekend…If you don’t have a pair of sunglasses maybe now is the time to get a pair.If you don’t have extra money to buy a more upscale healthy pair with major UV protection at least try any pair. Did you know your eyes can get a sunburn too?

Get into the habit of wearing sunglasses! Your eyes will appreciate the protection and so will the skin around those beautiful peeps of yours.