What day of the week is it? I…

I truly don’t even know. I think it might be Thursday or Friday. Have you started to lose track of time? Or the day of the week too?

That’s why I thought of a warm cozy bath 🛁 recipe for tonight or this weekend. A bathtub is such a special place and time you can have with yourself. And making this beauty recipe or adding luxurious soaps, bubble bath 🛀 or bath bombs and candles to the space can really make it even more to adore and make you want to bathe some more.

They say Cleopatra loved this kind of bath as well as used the beauty of goat milk as a soap to clean her skin.

A shower is nice but a bath is twice as nice!

Here’s what you will need for this bath:

1 cup of milk

1/4 cup of honey

Pour both of the above in the tub filled with warm water NOT too hot.

Sit in this COZY relaxing mix. It is such a sweet escape and skin softening treat.

Finish the night with a glass of whole milk or any other type of milk and add a decadent cookie. Treat yourself well.

Getaway! Escape! Give yourself a break! YOU deserve it.


honey on white bowl

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

even know.

bottle container cream creamy

Photo by Burst on Pexels.com



Playing in the SUN!

IMG_1808Is so much fun!

This weekend we celebrate Memorial day weekend with barbeques,cocktails and  spending time outdoors in the SUNSHINE! While Florida is not going to get a piece of that sunny pie due to the subtropical storm that’s headed our way you may get your share of fun in the sun.

SAVE that pretty face!

Use a self tanner a few days or the night before you go out in the sun.You’ll get a dash of color and feel better too.

Sunscreen! MY ANTI-AGING DREAM CREAM! A shot glass applied to your skin at least every 4 hours will cover you!

Did you know there are many other ways you can protect your skin from the sun?  Powder up with Sun Powder. A light powder with sunscreen that protects and evens out your complexion a bit.

Wear a lip conditioner or a hydrating lipstick but stay away from glossy extra shiny lip gloss. They attract the sun to your face and may actually give you a sunburn.

Wear SUNNIES but buy non reflective shiny sunglasses While I love the way they look they too attract the suns rays and can give you a burn.

Wear a pretty or fun in the sun hat…any kind of hat. Did you know even your scalp and hair can get a sunburn?

If you do happen to get sunburned on your face this summer season …HELP is your refrigerator. Plain organic yogurt works wonders to calm the heat and your skin down.

Another trick is to bathe in real milk (This was Cleopatra’s beauty secret). OR pour some milk on wash cloth with cold milk. Applied to your skin it cools you down and helps with sunburn and peeling.

Nowadays…There is NO REASON why you have to get a sunburn.

You don’t want old leathery looking skin, sunspots,red splotches,wrinkles or worse yet skin cancer. Do you?


Beauty Secrets from around the globe!


I’d like to share some simple beauty and skin care secrets from around the world!

Some are from my travels and some are from women I have met.

The women of Greece keep healthy  by eating that creamy and dreamy Greek yogurt we find readily available at stores.Since it contains so many health and beauty benefits.They are also avid users of skin care products made with olive oil. The women and men are mindful of what they eat and a Mediterranean diet is another beauty and lifestyle secret.

The women of China and Hong Kong clamor for pearl cream and sheet masks of all kinds.Examples: pearl,aloe,bamboo rose and more.They also eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. The latest and greatest that has made it to our US grocery stores is the Dragon fruit for it’s anti-aging properties.I love it in smoothies and acai bowls.

Egypt Cleopatra stated it all! The milk and honey bath and honey face masks.

France! Who doesn’t have a love affair with France. While there are many delectable pastries and breads the secret to their success is by eating small meals and just a taste of deserts. Not giant portions of them. Red wine is part of their daily evening meal.As you know it contains resveratrol and is really good for heart heath. The spas offer Vinotherapy which is a wine themed therapy all made with red wine. And wearing a luscious red lipstick and a pair of sunnies  go a long chic way!

Brazil  known for the infamous Brazilian butt lifts and Brazilian blowouts for flawless smooth hair.

I enjoy doing all of the above…minus the surgical butt lift and my hair does not need that type of treatment.

I hope you enjoy these beauty and skin secrets and experiment with them too!