The gift of …The Perfect Red Lipstick!


Last night I attended my first Christmas party of the season with my husband for his business. Over cocktails I quickly discovered women who loved my lips and wanted to know how can they too create the perfect red lip!

I thought you’d like to know this too.So here you go!

The Perfect Tips for Red Luscious Lips!

  • You must start fresh with clean hydrated lips.
  • Apply my  Kissy Lips lip exfoliating Treatment or make a mixture of brown sugar and honey for your lips.
  • Apply my Perfect day Lipstick base
  • Optional:Add  a coat of  China Doll lipstain next to make the color last even longer.It will stain the lips with a rosy stain and make the red hue cling better too.
  • Apply red lip liner or an invisible lip liner that is transparent yet locks color within the lip line.
  • Apply a luscious red lipstick or a red liquid lipstick (they are all the rage).
  • Blot your lips with a fresh tissue or blotting paper.(not powdered just plain)
  • Apply a second coat if you wish to make your pout look bolder.
  • DON’T rub your lips together. Little old ladies do that!

*To make this look even sexier like the makeup artists do in a VICTORIA SECRET runway shows or magazine shoot.Add a dash of a silver or gold lipstick Next add a super shiny gloss in the center of the lips for a sexy highlighted glow. A shimmery way to glow and make the lips look fuller!

You are ready to…Paint the town red,Gorgeous!

A red lipstick & gloss make the perfect gift for your bestie or family member!  Not all gifts need to be costly and over the top. Fill them in Christmas stocking and put a bow on it and give. At this time of year…everyone seems to pull out their best red lipstick,shoes, purse or dress. Make the lips the center of attention.


Beauty Secrets from around the globe!


I’d like to share some simple beauty and skin care secrets from around the world!

Some are from my travels and some are from women I have met.

The women of Greece keep healthy  by eating that creamy and dreamy Greek yogurt we find readily available at stores.Since it contains so many health and beauty benefits.They are also avid users of skin care products made with olive oil. The women and men are mindful of what they eat and a Mediterranean diet is another beauty and lifestyle secret.

The women of China and Hong Kong clamor for pearl cream and sheet masks of all kinds.Examples: pearl,aloe,bamboo rose and more.They also eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. The latest and greatest that has made it to our US grocery stores is the Dragon fruit for it’s anti-aging properties.I love it in smoothies and acai bowls.

Egypt Cleopatra stated it all! The milk and honey bath and honey face masks.

France! Who doesn’t have a love affair with France. While there are many delectable pastries and breads the secret to their success is by eating small meals and just a taste of deserts. Not giant portions of them. Red wine is part of their daily evening meal.As you know it contains resveratrol and is really good for heart heath. The spas offer Vinotherapy which is a wine themed therapy all made with red wine. And wearing a luscious red lipstick and a pair of sunnies  go a long chic way!

Brazil  known for the infamous Brazilian butt lifts and Brazilian blowouts for flawless smooth hair.

I enjoy doing all of the above…minus the surgical butt lift and my hair does not need that type of treatment.

I hope you enjoy these beauty and skin secrets and experiment with them too!


Tips Before You KISS Under that Mistletoe!

Red lips New years Eve

Getting ready to kiss tonight? Guys and Gals …Make sure it works out right.

Prep your lips for kissing with my sweet recipe!

  • Wash your lips with a warm washcloth.
  • Use a Honey & Almond scrub that you can find in the store. Or D.I.Y. and make one.if you don’t have the ingredients. Run your lips with organic brown sugar and coconut oil.Rub on your lips back and forth with your finger and leave on at least 3 minutes. Rinse well.
  • Brush your teeth with Supersmile toothpaste (A celebrity fave) or any other whitening toothpaste.
  • Floss your teeth yes floss and brush your tongue with a soft tooth brush.Bacteria does the Cha Cha on your tongue throughout the day.Keep your breath and gums fresh.You wanna be kissed and kissable don’t you?
  • Guys: Place a lip conditioner or lip balm on your lips guys. Hours before kissing so it starts to make your lips softer and look good.
  • Gals: If you want to kick it up a notch.Don’t just do a lip balm WEAR SOME COLOR.

Paint the town red. Bring out your sexiest outfit even if it is blue jeans and a sexy sparkly top.

You’re ready to toast the new year Hello and kiss under the Kisstletoe!

This is a unisex recipe.My husband loves it too.


I am in LOVE with America!


Hope you enjoy what is going to be for many a long 4th of July celebration!

I love America and being an all American girl.Have you got a luscious RED LIPSTICK ON? Come on sparkle on…Celebrate the gorgeous shades of red, white and blue.
Enjoy your weekend and spread some love too!