GoodBye Dry Winter Skin Recipe

glass bowl cork bottle

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Dull,flaky winter skin ages your skin,Darlings! And it accents all your wrinkles!

Nourish that dry tight skin with this Mediterranean face scrub waiting for you in your kitchen.ll you’ll need for this recipe is three ingredients!

3 tsp. of olive oil

1 tsp. of salt (No Sea salt)

3 tsp. of fluffy Greek yogurt

Mix the oil and yogurt in a small bowl.

Add the salt.

Apply the mixture on your face and massage in circular motions with wet fingers on freeshly washed wet skin.

Rinse all of the above well.

Dry your skin and apply your fave moisturizer and eye cream next.

Use weekly or monthly and enjoy the beauty of it’s benefits. Skin softening and exfoliating at the same time.


Please note: If you have acne or super sensitive skin. Please do not use this recipe.

I got it from a client from Greece. I hope to visit there one day and have been using this recipe for serveral years since she shared it with me. She is 79 years young and looks 20 years younger!

If you want a stronger exfoliating scrub add another teaspoon of salt. I just used this recipe tonight and my dead skin is sloughed off,skin hydrated and I feel fabulous.





Fly me to the Moon…LOVE

l told you I would share with you one of my fave’ products gifted to me from an awesome flight attendant who just happens to be a nurse and an esthetician at the same time.I met her when I gave a speech in Las Vegas a few years at a spa conference. Now, a few months ago I met her again but this time in the air in First Class. I inspired her so much…she has come out with her own skincare collection with adorable names all relating to flying and the toll travel and life has on your skin. See two posts ago for more on her brand. She and DermAire wants everyone to have First Class Skin care!

Here it is:

Crew O2 Emergency Oxygen Mask

DermaAire says it is a great post-flight recovery mask! Especially after flying most of the day. This glistening skin revitalizing treatment hydrates and awakens the skins youthful glow. I call it awesome in a jar. It is my new go to face mask. A clear yet creamy gel that you only need to apply a thin coat of it. Leave it on 20 minutes to give your skin what it wants and needs. OR Shari Hoy says apply and leave on all night.

I am sipping Chardonnay and wearing this mask right now blogging tonight too.

I will finish tonight with a bubble bath with epsom salts and surrender myself to a GOOD NIGHT of skin bliss.CO2 MASK 8-15

I am in LOVE with America!


Hope you enjoy what is going to be for many a long 4th of July celebration!

I love America and being an all American girl.Have you got a luscious RED LIPSTICK ON? Come on sparkle on…Celebrate the gorgeous shades of red, white and blue.
Enjoy your weekend and spread some love too!

Day 9 to beautiful skin!

BABY Lips…Who doesn’t love the way they look and feel to the touch. Babies are just so kissable!
Weather,heat,AC,outdoor sports and more can make your lips DRY DRY DRY. They can look awful and peel and crack. Licking your lips will only make it worse.

Try using a product called Kissy Lips or D.I.Y. with a brown sugar and honey lip scrub that you can make in a minutes in your kitchen. Place on clean dry lips and leave on 10 minutes. Brush gently with your finger or with a baby’s toothbrush. Next, rinse and enjoy. I do this treatment once a week in the winter.DRINK plenty of liquids and stay hydrated too.
Follow up with a hydrating lip conditioner or balm. Love your lips~