GoodBye Dry Winter Skin Recipe

glass bowl cork bottle

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Dull,flaky winter skin ages your skin,Darlings! And it accents all your wrinkles!

Nourish that dry tight skin with this Mediterranean face scrub waiting for you in your kitchen.ll you’ll need for this recipe is three ingredients!

3 tsp. of olive oil

1 tsp. of salt (No Sea salt)

3 tsp. of fluffy Greek yogurt

Mix the oil and yogurt in a small bowl.

Add the salt.

Apply the mixture on your face and massage in circular motions with wet fingers on freeshly washed wet skin.

Rinse all of the above well.

Dry your skin and apply your fave moisturizer and eye cream next.

Use weekly or monthly and enjoy the beauty of it’s benefits. Skin softening and exfoliating at the same time.


Please note: If you have acne or super sensitive skin. Please do not use this recipe.

I got it from a client from Greece. I hope to visit there one day and have been using this recipe for serveral years since she shared it with me. She is 79 years young and looks 20 years younger!

If you want a stronger exfoliating scrub add another teaspoon of salt. I just used this recipe tonight and my dead skin is sloughed off,skin hydrated and I feel fabulous.





Home-made Beauty Tips

photo-1.JPG TV 4  8-16-2014Celebrate your face and skin this summer with these natural beauty recipes!

I love to shop Whole Foods Market and the Farmers markets for the ingredients to make these D.I.Y. recipes.
All of my recipes are cheap,quick and easy to make. And unisex…your daughter or sweetie can get in on the touch of the spa action too.

Key Lime Pie Body Treatment
2 cups of plain Greek or regular yogurt (use less if you are making a smaller portion)
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
1 tablespoon of honey (Bee Friends Farm)
1 tablespoon of lime

Blend all of the above and pour into a plastic bowl. Sit at the edge of the tub and rub on your body.Leave this treatment on at least 15 minutes.Rinse well and enjoy the way your skin feels.
* I like to scoop any remains and recycle re-purpose and place in a jar and save for another day.Lasts nicely in the refrigerator for a week or more.

Skin Brightening Lemon Cups

Say Bye Bye to dry discolored skin with this skin treat.
Next time you prepare a meal with lemons or make lemonade save the leftover lemons and rub the inside of the lemons on your elbows.This treatment will gently exfoliate and help the discoloration most of us get on our elbows and knees.Rub the meaty part of inside of a lemon and go round and round motion on your elbows. It can also be done to your kneees.Rinse with luke warm water and a washcloth.Apply your favorite hand and or body lotion.

Bathe in Beauty

I love to to take a bath and surround myself with things that are pretty. Make your body happy with this awesome bath idea.
Sprinkle your fave bath salts or Epsom salts in warm bath water.Add a couple edible flowers. Pour yourself a glass of your favorite drink or fresh water in a plastic glass and enjoy eating an edible flower too. It is kinda FUN.Make it even more decadent and add a piece of decadent chocolate!

Be good to YOURSELF…if you don’t who will? for video footage