GoodBye Dry Winter Skin Recipe

glass bowl cork bottle

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Dull,flaky winter skin ages your skin,Darlings! And it accents all your wrinkles!

Nourish that dry tight skin with this Mediterranean face scrub waiting for you in your kitchen.ll you’ll need for this recipe is three ingredients!

3 tsp. of olive oil

1 tsp. of salt (No Sea salt)

3 tsp. of fluffy Greek yogurt

Mix the oil and yogurt in a small bowl.

Add the salt.

Apply the mixture on your face and massage in circular motions with wet fingers on freeshly washed wet skin.

Rinse all of the above well.

Dry your skin and apply your fave moisturizer and eye cream next.

Use weekly or monthly and enjoy the beauty of it’s benefits. Skin softening and exfoliating at the same time.


Please note: If you have acne or super sensitive skin. Please do not use this recipe.

I got it from a client from Greece. I hope to visit there one day and have been using this recipe for serveral years since she shared it with me. She is 79 years young and looks 20 years younger!

If you want a stronger exfoliating scrub add another teaspoon of salt. I just used this recipe tonight and my dead skin is sloughed off,skin hydrated and I feel fabulous.





Recipe for Awesome Bites!

One of my friends Danette known as the Dessert Diva shared this yummy recipe with me! She is on the Chat TV talk show like

You know how I love to cook and makeup!

Here is her recipe for a hard to believe good for you and FIBER rich treat. Danette on The Chat photo

Energy and fiber your body needs!

1 1/4 cups raw almonds
1 /14 cups dates (pitted)
1 TbspĀ  honey ( maybe a bit more)
Pinch of salt

Grind almonds and dates in food processor until fine ( a little coarse is ok, too) add honey and salt. Process until well combined. should be sticky enough to form a ball. Press down in a 8×8 pan lined with foil. Make sure to press down hard, so it really holds together. Let sit approx 1 hour. Pull foil out of pan, and cut into squares.

If it needs more honey to stick together, that is fine. You could use more dates in beginning if you like.

So easy and it tasted SO DELICIOUS!

I can’t wait to go shop for the ingredients and whip up these squares for myself when I travel and serve to my clients too. Enjoy!

Allergies got you down?


ME TOO!My voice sounds like a sexy 900 line phone gal!

As a beauty therapist I am always on the hunt for healthy beauty too. I have found relief for my allergies and to stress less.
It is a salt lamp.

Like the salty ocean air,salt lamps are an amazing generator of negative ions. Simply put they clean and purify the air. They also ease a person into an alpha state, a state in which you feel completely in the moment and not distracted by stress. When on they illuminate your space with a beautiful array of colors. A glowing golden amber,light pink and soft orange illuminates your space and relaxes. You have to see it in person and FEEL it to truly believe in it.

Great for your office near your computer, a bedroom, hallway,living room or create your own meditation room or corner and enjoy some spa like music too.

If you have pets this really helps clean your air. It also helps to improve the quality of smokers air.Especially helpful if you don’t smoke and someone in your house does.

LIFE in the 21st century as well as the economy has become so stressful for your body,mind and spirit. Light up your world and feel better by surrounding yourself with this amazing creation. rich in history from the Himalayan mountains to salt spas in Poland…FEEL the mystical powers they convey and the healing energy.

While I am not a doctor and not trying to make any health claims EXCEPT the facts they say about these lamps…I do feel better and am stressing less.
Simply had to share with you!

Light up your world with a healthy twist.