
Just back from an amazing trip to So.Korea and China and featuring a few highlights from my trip I am featuring on TV on River City Live today in sunny Jacksonville Florida.

Asians are smart cookies and have a foodie lifestyle that is all about FRESH and they shop for on a daily basis.Green leaf vegetables and fresh exotic fruits are at the top of the list. Seafood,meat and poultry are the accessory!

vegetables and tomatoes on cutting board

Photo by Pixabay on

Tea is something they cherish drinking. They enjoy  it on a daily basis even for  quiet time in the afternoon. It is filled with anti-oxidants and so great for the body and skin.

gold kettle pouring hot water on cup of tea


Sandalwood Incense fills the street air and in homes. It is burned to ward off evil spirits,bring good luck and calms the spirit and soul.

Women and Girls clamor for whimsical beauty products have to offer.Face masks are very very popular there. MEN love them too. Beauty tools and gadgets too. As well as face creams made with illuminating pearls.They covet clear no brown spot skin. They even use an umbrella even when uit is not raining to protect the skin.

woman wearing white and pink floral shirt holding leaf

Photo by Tommy Huang on


Pearl powder and pearl creams are the most popular ancient Chinese beauty secret. They give the face a brighter evened out look and temporarily tightens the skin.The powder is sold by the box and these mini beauty vials are rituals handed down from generations.

I have so much to share with you from my trip. I LOVE discovering what all cultures have to offer us. Please come back for more. Right now I am still trying to fight jet lag after this trip and LONG flights. Since my last trip to Scandanavia, I had forgotten how tough (but worth it) International flights can be.


Beauty Secrets from around the globe!


I’d like to share some simple beauty and skin care secrets from around the world!

Some are from my travels and some are from women I have met.

The women of Greece keep healthy  by eating that creamy and dreamy Greek yogurt we find readily available at stores.Since it contains so many health and beauty benefits.They are also avid users of skin care products made with olive oil. The women and men are mindful of what they eat and a Mediterranean diet is another beauty and lifestyle secret.

The women of China and Hong Kong clamor for pearl cream and sheet masks of all kinds.Examples: pearl,aloe,bamboo rose and more.They also eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. The latest and greatest that has made it to our US grocery stores is the Dragon fruit for it’s anti-aging properties.I love it in smoothies and acai bowls.

Egypt Cleopatra stated it all! The milk and honey bath and honey face masks.

France! Who doesn’t have a love affair with France. While there are many delectable pastries and breads the secret to their success is by eating small meals and just a taste of deserts. Not giant portions of them. Red wine is part of their daily evening meal.As you know it contains resveratrol and is really good for heart heath. The spas offer Vinotherapy which is a wine themed therapy all made with red wine. And wearing a luscious red lipstick and a pair of sunnies  go a long chic way!

Brazil  known for the infamous Brazilian butt lifts and Brazilian blowouts for flawless smooth hair.

I enjoy doing all of the above…minus the surgical butt lift and my hair does not need that type of treatment.

I hope you enjoy these beauty and skin secrets and experiment with them too!


Eat your Apples and Wear them too! I do!

I LOVE TO EAT APPLES! You should too!

Here are my DIY recipes to enjoy more of them too. It is Fall and apple season.

Awesome Fresh Apple Mask for Normal to Dry Skin:APPLE photo

ALL you need is an apple!

· Take a teaspoon of an apple you grated from a bowl
Apply the mask all over the face (except your eye area) and keep for 20 minutes for the skin to soak it all in and absorb it’s beautiful benefits.· Rinse your face with warm water.

*If you’d like to plump it up add a few tablespoons of glycerin.Mix with apple and you have another mask.
Fresh Apple Mask for Normal to Combination Skin
· Mix two tablespoons of crushed oats along (not instant oatmeal) with pureed or grated red apples and add teaspoon of honey.
· Apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes, and wash it with warm water.
· Apply your favorite moisturizer and eye gel.
· The oatmeal in this mixture exfoliates your skin while the apple and honey make it hydrated, plump and glowing!

You know what they say …“An apple a day keeps a doctor away”.

This beautiful fruit is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and copper, which your skin LOVES!

The vitamin C helps to re-store the collagen content of the skin. Collagen adds the elasticity to the skin, thus helps to kiss wrinkles “Goodbye” The copper content in the apple helps to maintain the melanin production in the skin. Apples act as a natural sunscreen. The vitamin A assists in building of new skin cells.

Got any left over pieces of apple? EAT them.

Enjoy the beauty of all the fruits and vegetables of fall.