Day 12 of MY Beauty Secrets

The other day I was test driving some new products someone sent me as a gift. I applied the eye cream and facial moisturizer to a clean face that night.

In a matter of five minutes my face freaked out. It seems that something In them were not agreeing with me. My face didn’t want it on either.

I quickly took a wash cloth filled it with warm soapy water and washed my face. I removed all the products.

Next, I pat dried my skin.

I went to my kitchen and poured on a cotton round some whipping cream. That is all I had. I carefully applied it to my face and pat soothingly across my closed eyelids.

Milk or Cream for the Win!

I gently pat the milky cream on my entire face. I went to watch TV and allowed it to dry.

Within a few minutes… that cream rescued my skin! The flaming redness went down. The eyelids stopped swelling and I felt so relieved and felt better!

While I’m not a dermatologist I highly recommend if you are in a bind and some new skin care or makeup reacts badly in your skin. Try this DIY.

I think I will put this in my beauty secrets and tricks recipe book!

I did not remove the cream and went to sleep with the cream on. The next morning my face was no more red and felt so baby soft!

What day of the week is it? I…

I truly don’t even know. I think it might be Thursday or Friday. Have you started to lose track of time? Or the day of the week too?

That’s why I thought of a warm cozy bath 🛁 recipe for tonight or this weekend. A bathtub is such a special place and time you can have with yourself. And making this beauty recipe or adding luxurious soaps, bubble bath 🛀 or bath bombs and candles to the space can really make it even more to adore and make you want to bathe some more.

They say Cleopatra loved this kind of bath as well as used the beauty of goat milk as a soap to clean her skin.

A shower is nice but a bath is twice as nice!

Here’s what you will need for this bath:

1 cup of milk

1/4 cup of honey

Pour both of the above in the tub filled with warm water NOT too hot.

Sit in this COZY relaxing mix. It is such a sweet escape and skin softening treat.

Finish the night with a glass of whole milk or any other type of milk and add a decadent cookie. Treat yourself well.

Getaway! Escape! Give yourself a break! YOU deserve it.


honey on white bowl

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even know.

bottle container cream creamy

Photo by Burst on



Vegan LOVE

Gluten Free COOKIES!

I so LOVE CANDY…That is why I named my blog Beauty Candy. I also love a good cookie. A friend of mine shared this recipe with me and I am going to make them as soon as I get the three easy ingredients. I have been on the road for beauty so much I am starving my husband according to him as I have not grocery shopped much lately. He eats sardines and clam sauce pasta as meals when I travel. Kinda crazy!

So, I am going to make him so home-cooked meals and cookies!

1 egg

1 cup of sugar

1 cup of peanut butter (substitute almond butter for peanut if you want)

Pre-heat oven 375 F.

Grease a cookie sheet.

Place in a bowl all of the above. Drop with a cookie scoop little rounds. Flatten with a fork. Bake 10 to 12 minutes until a slight golden look and center settles in.

Cool cookies on wire rack.

She said before she knew it they were all gone and so was a gallon of milk. Yum!food eggs

Photo by Tookapic on

bakery baking blur close up

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After a day at the beach or in the sun!

It isn’t all you expected is it? The first few  or time back in the sun after winter is tough. on your skin. Especially when you don’t bring your BFF’S. A sunscreen,sunglasses and lip conditioner. SUNBURN that dreaded look and feeling after a day or two in the sun. You aren’t sitting pretty!

beach blur clouds dawn

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The #1. thing you should have done was throw out last years or expired sunscreen or sunblocks. You need a fresh one! Please don’t forget to reapply not just apply once and think you are all set. You’re NOT!

2. Protect those PEEPERS and wear sunglasses. Squinting causes wrinkles and your eyes themselves need sun protection. Your lips need some love to with a lip balm.

3. Once you’re burned by the sun and outdoors…you need to rescue your skin! But calm down I’ve got your back!

Try a yogurt …plain fluffy Greek yogurt. You can make your own (I will share how you on another TV blog) get some store bought. Apply to your skin like a face mask. A thin coat will do. leave on and rinse well. Add moisture back to your skin! Apply your fav’ moisturizer and face cream.

*Yogurt is a legendary and easy remedy.

bottle container cream creamy

Photo by Burst on

4. COOL the burn on your skin with milk on a flat cotton pad or gauze.

5. IF you own an aloe plant…grab a leaf. Cut it open and apply the gel inside on the skin. Great for peeling and itchy skin too. Or fill an ice cube tray with aloe vera gel (found in drug store) and freeze. Roll a cube on the burn and cool down that skin! Aloe plants make great plants for outside your kitchen door. OR in your home. Easy to maintain. Good for kitchen burns while cooking too.

green and gray bird perching on aloe vera plant

Photo by Jean van der Meulen on

6. Add moisture back to your skin! Soothe your skin further by applying your fav’ moisturizer and face cream. My latest aloe find is Therapispa aloe lotion for the body and the face cream.

I hope and know you will find these skin rescues for your skin useful.

Enjoy a healthy dose of the sun 🌞 this summer!

*Sharing these tips on WJXT4 on River City Live this moring. You can cacththe video clip later today online and watch anytime!


Day 5 Gifts for HIM!

The best way to a man’s heart is through his mouth.

MEN  love food,drinks and yummy treats too.  Plain and simple it is so true! So fill his stocking with some goodies or whip up some decadent and or healthy treats you know he LOVES. YUM!

Santa isn’t the only one who wants you to leave him a few cookies and milk.

beverage candy candy cane celebration

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party beer ice bottles

Photo by Tookapic on

Hello Sunshine!

four people on lounge chairs near the beach

Photo by Snapwire on

Have you been spending time baking like croissants in the sun?

Or have you been  spending time doing different things in all places in the sun this season.

If you  have… perhaps a sunburn has come your way or worse yet …sunburn,red as a lobster,blistering and dreaded peeling.

Recently I showed  TV viewers simple home remedies you can do when you have had too much fun in the sun! So, I am sharing them with you. I LOVE THE SUN but got burned a few times. One was pretty bad. I also enjoyed the tan from a tanning bad. I cover up NOW and have never done it again. Really! Once you get skin cancer you never forget it. Neither does your skin. Your skin always remembers how you treat it and will show it too!

  • Apple cider vinegar: Take a bath in it. It will make you feel so much better. Fill a tub with luke warm or cool water and a cup of the apple cider vinegar.
  • Baking soda:Make a cooling paste with it and some water or take a refreshing bath in it with a cup of baking soda.
  • Fresh aloe or Aloe Vera gel are so cooling and take down the redness and heat from the burn.
  • Stay Hydrated with water,coconut water,sports drink or a skin loving drink called All Beauty Drink.
  • Cool Milk compresses on a washcloth or a cotton gauze pad work wonders.

food milk liquid drip

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  • To calm the heat of your body from the burn fill a mini spray bottle with lavender oil and water. Shake it up and spray on the burn. You’ll cool off immediately!
  • You’ll FEEL BETTER and cooler in no time with my tips and easy home remedies and hopefully not blister and peel. If you do. Here’s what to do! An oatmeal and water bath will help with that itchy skin.

bunch of nuts served on bowls

Photo by Mike on

Word to the Wise: Wear a SHOT GLASS worth of sunscreen. You”ll still get some color. Just be SMART and more protected. You don’t want face and body sun spots and those not so pretty wrinkles!


Playing in the SUN!

IMG_1808Is so much fun!

This weekend we celebrate Memorial day weekend with barbeques,cocktails and  spending time outdoors in the SUNSHINE! While Florida is not going to get a piece of that sunny pie due to the subtropical storm that’s headed our way you may get your share of fun in the sun.

SAVE that pretty face!

Use a self tanner a few days or the night before you go out in the sun.You’ll get a dash of color and feel better too.

Sunscreen! MY ANTI-AGING DREAM CREAM! A shot glass applied to your skin at least every 4 hours will cover you!

Did you know there are many other ways you can protect your skin from the sun?  Powder up with Sun Powder. A light powder with sunscreen that protects and evens out your complexion a bit.

Wear a lip conditioner or a hydrating lipstick but stay away from glossy extra shiny lip gloss. They attract the sun to your face and may actually give you a sunburn.

Wear SUNNIES but buy non reflective shiny sunglasses While I love the way they look they too attract the suns rays and can give you a burn.

Wear a pretty or fun in the sun hat…any kind of hat. Did you know even your scalp and hair can get a sunburn?

If you do happen to get sunburned on your face this summer season …HELP is your refrigerator. Plain organic yogurt works wonders to calm the heat and your skin down.

Another trick is to bathe in real milk (This was Cleopatra’s beauty secret). OR pour some milk on wash cloth with cold milk. Applied to your skin it cools you down and helps with sunburn and peeling.

Nowadays…There is NO REASON why you have to get a sunburn.

You don’t want old leathery looking skin, sunspots,red splotches,wrinkles or worse yet skin cancer. Do you?


Hurricane comfort!

choco-smoothie-blog-photoGoing stir crazy!!! Been indoors for 24 hours.

The palm trees are doing more than swaying,gray and ugly looking outside and the rain is pounding on our house. We are in the middle of hurricane Matthew! Wish I could take a photo but don’t dare step out of our house. We usually lose electricity in our area of Jacksonville Florida when there are tropical storms and hurricanes but by the grace of God we have lights and AC and the other comforts we all have grown to love and take for granted. Kind scary.

Very stressful! I have eaten all the good healthy food and now unto potato chips,circus peanut candy and ginger snap cookies!

MY thighs are gonna rise after this storm. He! He! I am in my kitchen and discovered a recipe card I got from an event I attended. I just made this for my husband and I know he is going to flip when he wakes up from a hurricane nap. It was so delicious…my lips told me.


This shake is SO delicious and EASY to make!

I found it at I guest speak at the Southern Women Shows and they are always there handing out recipes,free peanut samples and do a cooking stage presentation too.They represent the peanut farmers.

1 cup of low fat chocolate milk

1 ripe frozen banana

2 Tbsp. creamy peanut butter of your choice

Blend above and you’ll have a creamy,dreamy,decadent delight!

To my husband I will be a rock star in my kitchen (because of this DRINK recipe)and you can be too! But you don’t need a husband or beau to enjoy this LUSCIOUS drink!



Secrets to a Good Night’s sleep!

photo sleeping toolsInsomnia and stress are two issues women are concerned about an bring up to me about in my beauty business. I take their needs very serious and wanted to post about getting your beauty sleep and perhaps help you.

Here is a healthy pattern to consider nightly: Before you got to sleep or bed…Have a warm cup of calming Holy Basil or chamomile tea.

If you’re no into tea…a warm glass of milk will do. Take a warm bath with cheap Epsom salts.They are AMAZING and relax your muscles and detoxify too.I know what you’re thinking you’re not a bath person! BUT when you can’t sleep and have nights of insomnia this is worth a try. THEY WORK.

Shut off ANY electronics…Only got to bed with your sweetie or yourself not a phone,tablet and more.

Place a few drops of Aura Cacia lavender essential oil into a spray bottle with some distilled or spring water.Spray your room with this relaxing spray.

OR try Serious Insomnia by Jimm Harrison Aromatherapy on a cotton pad and take a sniff, This aromatherapy oil takes you from frazzled and stress to feeling fabulous.

A white noise machine is another useful tool. Turn it on for the ocean,birds tweeting on a spring day and more.My husband loves ours.

If you can’t go to sleep and do get up…go ahead and get up and go into another room and watch TV or read a book or magazine until you feel sleepy. OR do what I love to do and unclutter your head by writing things down in a notebook.

NEVER go to sleep angry with your spouse or children…you will NOT sleep well. Kiss & make up.

Coffee Anyone?


Happy weekend!  If you love coffee this recipe is for you!

I am about to make this recipe.

Recipe for YUMMY Coffee Freeze

1 cup of milk

1 cup of frozen whipped dairy topping (or you can make it yourself)

1 package of vanilla pudding mix

1 Tbsp instant coffee

In a 3 cup measuring cup,pour milk and enough ice ( I like to use  coffee ice cubes I make with leftover coffee) just to bring the liquid to 3 cups.

Pour into a blender.Add topping,pudding and coffee,blend until smooth.

Pour,sip  and ENJOY!

Have a delicious new year! Remember life is what you make it.Make things happen and make it yummy too.