Life is short!

This month I made a promise to myself. I want to make every single day count! I always have but now I treasure the days even more!

I am more grateful then ever to wake up and open my eyes. Ready to go and start a brand new day. This year I want to travel even more internationally. There’s so much out there in our world to see.

Life is short! I know it sounds cliche but it’s true. This week I saw on social media where more lives are being lost. Our world is so upside down! I read where an Olympian passed away he was only 29 years old! I saw on Instagram the tennis pro Christie Evert is on yet another round of chemotherapy for breast cancer. Reading that and seeing her photo in a hospital bed broke my heart as I have had the pleasure of making her up for the Women’s Tennis Association, Lipton Tea and more.

So, please treasure good health & enjoy every day of your life too!

I want to get into baking bread on a regular basis instead of just buying store bought. I love the rustic look of these breads. Do you?

Photo by Daria Shevtsova on

I’m going to use my fine China, glassware and silverware in gold yes a gorgeous gold hue. I’m not waiting for a special occasion! Everyday is SPECIAL!

Photo by Leah Kelley on

I need to learn to say “No” more often and not always be a people pleaser.

I hope to grow more herbs 🌿 in my garden. There’s nothing like your own crop!

I will control my multi-tasking if I can. Or at least do it less.

I’m going to eat more veggies if that’s even possible cause I do love them so much. But I need more of them in my life.

Photo by Vanessa Loring on

I’m going to spend more time walking and bike riding again. I used to walk to and eat my lunch in Central Park in NYC every work day. Oh and bike ride too. Once I moved to Florida I walked and rode my bike less as it’s so hot most of the time it’s not fun! I miss the four seasons.

How about you?

What do you want to do?

Make new friends?

Get out of the house more?

Feel the sunshine on your face!

I’m going to keep buying myself flowers! You don’t need a man to buy them for you. Treat yourself!

I’m going to give myself even more self-care …Self-care is health care.

I’m going to add and try one new thing a month in this new year! It’s fun and exciting.

My message here is you can start something new too. Never stop growing. Never stop learning. Never stop exploring.

Life and the world 🌍 is waiting for you!

Put Yourself First!

I know it’s easier said than done but the last few weeks I have stopped to take some peaceful breaths and breathe. I took some time off from blogging.

I MISSED you and posting but I have enjoyed getting caught up with myself, my house and my life. I really enjoyed it. Even the quiet times.

As we’ve started a new year I have HOPE even though the world seems to be crashing down around us. So much going on. Ever changing. It’s a different world 🌍 we’re living in.

And I am looking forward to what lies ahead. My guest speaking and event calendar is getting pretty full already. But I promised myself to take time to enjoy ALL the beautiful little things in life. You know… there are so many.

How are you? I hope your holidays were lovely and that you started the new year well. If you have any beauty, skin or wellness questions I’m here to help.

Oscar Time! 🎥

It happens once a year. The time is here!

My husbands not into watching the Oscars from year to year. But I like to watch the show. So, prepare a mini feast of delights for myself on a silver tray. Yes, just for ME.

As I mentioned before I think every single day is a reason to celebrate! 🎉

Champagne or a “virgin” mocktail cocktail is always a good idea! Right?

Everything is better with a cherry 🍒 on top or the bottom! Isn’t it?

Did you know some mixologists place a sugar cube in a glass of champagne? They say when the champagne 🍾 hits the sugar cube at the bottom of the glass it creates an ongoing fountain of bodacious looking bubbly!

A luxurious dip is delish! Especially while watching the Oscars. This recipe is from a client. I’ve used it for years. It is like a meal in itself. Of course if you’d like to make a charcuterie board or other delights… do that.

What you will need for this Artichoke Casserole recipe:

1 6oz jar of marinated artichokes

1 8oz package of cream cheese

2 packs of chopped frozen spinach

1 tsp 🍋 lemon juice

1/4 lb of real butter

Fresh Parmesan cheese shavings or sprinkled on top.

Cook spinach and be sure to drain it well.

Next add butter & cream cheese into the hot spinach.

Stir cheese but not too much. As lumps are ok.

Cut artichokes into halves.

Grease a casserole dish and line with the artichokes only. None of the liquid.

Add the marinade from the jar and the lemon juice to the spinach mix.

Pour this over the artichokes.

You’re almost done.

Now sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Casserole will be creamy dreamy and delightful! Serve with sliced veggies or crackers of your choice. You’ll be licking the casserole dish. Add some fresh fruit and you’re good to go!

Saving the best for last I like to make something sweet. And popcorn 🍿 from my old vintage popcorn machine makes it even better. It is so cute and so fun!

While the popcorns still warm pour a melted chocolate 🍫drizzle on top. I found some pretty colorful pastel Easter M & M’s and sprinkled that on top! If you’re not into these toppings create something else.

Allow it to cool and harden.

OMG! Yum for one.

Happy Oscars.


I’m so blessed and I want to be a blessing to others. That is why I opened up a beauty & wellness brand & company. It is also the reason why I started this blog….

I have to admit it isn’t easy being “up” when the world all around us is crashing “down.” But I must. It’s in my DNA.

I simply wanted to take this time to say THANK YOU for following my blog, for your likes on my posts, for your kind words and for being there on the other side of the screen.

I try and give you a glimpse into my life, beauty,skincare, recipes and travels. ✈️

I also want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving 🍁 for those who celebrate. I am thankful for YOU!

Day 31 of some of MY Beauty Secrets

Thank you for popping on by and viewing and messaging how much you enjoyed my Month Long Beauty Secrets. I appreciate you!

I also want to thank you to my new blog followers.

Some are simple tips, some are not and some may be ones you haven’t heard of or thought of.

Many of you have told me you don’t even know them and that’s OK.

I just love ❤️ the beauty of learning something new every single day!

Here’s my final tip as we end this month.

As we move forward still in uncertain times with this pandemic still with us. I hope you will reflect and start to think about upgrading your self care Take care of yourself better than before and above all take time for YOU!

I know our day to day lives and family and work gets busy for us. But what I realize even more so is our mental,face and body health are very very important. Since we can’t get out and do ALL the things we used to be able to do! Start with the little things that you can change or do. Stay positive. Keep in a happy place. Keep going!

So, make a plan…

Start a new skin care regime.

Give yourself a glowing golden glow! Just for fun!

Get a new haircut!

Try some new hair color even if it’s just the tips of your hair.


Discover a new fragrance to add to your collection.

Time for a change? Switch it up!

Update your nail game and buy some new nail lacquer hues!

Find a new shade of lipstick to add to your life!

STOP the insanity!

It’s time to hang around the house,go to the mail box or take a walk with a little color on your face,lips and nails!

I see in social media some people have NOT put on makeup or a lipstick in approaching a month! As a professional Make-Up artist and Skin Therapist I find this so sad!🙁

As I mentioned before my mantra is ” A woman without lipstick is like a day without sunshine” So, please pretty please at least put on some lipstick 💄 or at least a lipgloss 👄

I promise you’ll not only FEEL better. You’ll look better too.

Tomorrow is a new day if you didn’t do it today.

Take the time to get a little dolled up! WHY you say? For who? For YOU and those around you.

Because you need to! Perk yourself up! Brighten that complexion! Give those cheeks a pop of color!

If you don’t want to do any makeup at all and I haven’t convinced you enough on that go do something good for your hair.

If you don’t want to go all the way with foundation and more. At least put a tinted moisturizer or BB cream on. Add a little blush to your cheeks, put on little mascara and lipstick.

While you’re at it apply a nude or metallic hue to your nails. They don’t require a lot of work or precision to apply. Just swipe and you’re good to go!

These nail polish shades also don’t show chips as fast.

As for your hair...

Give yourself a hydrating treat by mixing tap water in a spray bottle with a bit of conditioner added.

Shake the two together.

Spritz on dry hair and rinse after 15 -20 minutes. Take a bath or shower and wash your hair. No need to condition your hair again.

Give a bit of the blow dryer and you’ll have shiny happy better looking brush and go hair. Even if you’re just going to your living room. 😁

I know we’re all restlesswe’re all in this together and need to keep our spirits UP and look our best waiting and staying home.

close up photo of woman with pink lipstick smiling with her eyes closed

Photo by Shiny Diamond on

person holding white ceramic mug

Photo by Valeria Boltneva on

woman morning bathrobe bathroom

Photo by Gratisography on

How are you doing?

photo of sea during dawn Photo by Asad Photo Maldives on[/caption]

I’m like the rest of you … taking it day by day. I’m at home in Jacksonville 🌴 Florida with my husband. Since social distancing is the new norm I do my part and just do it.

While we do not have children we do have our businesses and they are both like a child. Need to be fed, cleaned,loved and nurtured.

It is so strange to be able to watch TV shows I never get a chance to watch, lay in bed and enjoy the beauty of doing nothing!

One day I’m cleaning,organizing and list making and the next I’m grabbing the little bit of relaxation I don’t always get a chance to do. I found myself actually napping 😴 yesterday. I never can nap. I don’t know how.

Time is on my side to take a walk in the middle of the day. To meditate or pray.

How are you doing today???

What are finding yourself doing?

Chat with me. Please.

The Best Beauty Organizers to Give Your Vanity The Ultimate Instagrammable Makeover — StyleCaster

Some beauty inspiration while social distancing…


We all love the Instagrammable shelfie and vanity posts on social media, proudly showcasing the impressive (and impressively organized) beauty collection of our favorite influencers and editors. And while I too am fortunate enough to have a studio with a 1920s built-in vanity table, along with a semi-overflowing beauty closet, I find the challenge of…

via The Best Beauty Organizers to Give Your Vanity The Ultimate Instagrammable Makeover — StyleCaster

Toilet paper 🧻… really?

This past week or more has been a whirlwind. How about for you?

Have you been feeling crazy with life too?

Since we are all consumed with doing the right thing,washing our hands and trying to distance ourselves and continue on with daily life… I thought we could use an extra dose of vitamin C. Keep your body hydrated and your body happy.

Try and enjoy a few of life’s treasures to eat but also make an effort to keep your cool and eat the colors of the rainbow.

I came across a recipe I had made before and so loved. I thought you might like it too.

Here is what you will need:

1 green Apple 🍏

1 avocado 🥑 Peeled and without the pit of course

1 kiwi 🥝

A few pieces of spinach leaves!

1 piece of fresh ginger (peeled)

A dash o of lemon 🍋 and a dash of fresh squeezed lime juice.

1 bottle of coconut 🥥 water

I hope you enjoy this recipe and get in your pretty greens too.


I am down to 4 rolls of toilet 🧻 paper. Wish people weren’t hoarding so. I went to 4 stores last night. Totally out of toilet paper until Monday or Tuesday deliveries they say.

Wish me luck!

If you want… save a slice of the avocado and use it to make a hydrating face mask!


You can also make variations on this drink recipe!

Age is just a number!

graycale photography of a woman s face

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on

With all the comments all over social media and hearing conversations all around me from Sunday’s Super Bowl 2020… for what it’s worth I decided I have to weigh in!

While I am not into sports. I am into my job and career and So I tuned in  and watched the Halftime Show with singers 🎶 Shakira and Jennifer Lopez.

The two things I heard most were all about the clothing the two halftime stars ⭐️ wore and performed in and how it wasn’t child 👶 🧒 friendly. In fact that their style of dress was vulgar and disappointing. I know little ones and teens don’t need to really see all that shaking and sexy barely there clothing. I get it. But most adults watch and go to the game.

The one thing I’d like to remind everyone offended is… it was a PERFORMANCE and they were asked to perform, entertain and give the crowd (who paid so much $ money 💵 for a ticket for the game) their monies worth!!!

I am far from conservative but I do know entertainers need to entertain and dress that way! Ala Viva Las Vegas and anywhere else performers perform!

I thought all their efforts and hard work paid off! It’s not easy to dance, sing, jump, and fly across a stage on their knees and SING  in front of hundreds of people!!!

The second set of comments was about women and how we are NOT done when we turn 40+ and that we STILL have so much in us and that we can be sexy!

Some women seemed to PRAISE and some displayed envy (I think) by both singers appearance from head to toe to BOOTY!!!

I don’t know if you caught it on the news but the reason JLo started her part of the show high on a pole was because she felt women need to be high up! Support your girl tribe and show ALL girls  can raise up, rise up and reach for the stars.

While I did not like the part of the show where a male singer tapped her butt cheek with his 🖐hand… THAT was most unexpected and unacceptable to me.

Also the little girls and her daughter in the show did not need to see that in your face dancing 💃 on a stage, with sexy pelvic gestures and it didn’t have to be so long. I like when a singer sings and performs not just shakes her booty for most of the show. How about you?

Do you know what I mean?

At the end of the day… JLo’s lifestyle of not drinking, eating well, regular exercise routine , and lots of makeup and faux lashes and beauty maintenance like $500.00 facials… all are working for her! She is beautiful!

And having JLo’s loyal and talented GLAM 💫Team doesn’t hurt either!

We can learn a lot from Shakira if she shared with us how she stays in shape etc. I (like Wendy Williams said on her show) loved her makeup. It was simple and her skin was lovely too. Those hips and thighs don’t lie. She’s eating well and obviously exercises lots too.  I’d say both ladies are aging beautifully. And they are not letting age stop them from being the best self despite not being 20.

Age IS just a number. Stop counting the years and put down that cupcake!