Day 20 of MY Beauty Secrets

Winter, summer, spring or fall… I love a bit of a color best of all. When I moved from NYC to Florida as I fell in love with a man but being in the 🌞 Florida sunshine and getting a tan was the cherry 🍒 on top!

Yes, I do love a pretty, smooth and glowing complexion ! But I also love to tan. Especially in the winter. But I don’t do it at the beach or in a tanning bed anymore. I learned the Florida sun was hard on our skin! Even walking, riding a bike or driving in our car we can get a sunburn fast. Next, I got skin cancer! Never want to go there and get that surgery again.

So I fell in love with sunless tanners. I like to be be kissed by the sun.

Tan Towel is my BFF

One of my absolute favorites is a brand called Tan Towel. The reason why it was such a hit for me and my skin?

No orange tinted hands, no odor, so portable for my travel schedule and lifestyle… and once applied so NATURAL looking!

Don’t want to look old and age faster before your time?
Protect yourself, Darlings!

All from the size of a washcloth! No messy tubes or lotions.

So if you’re looking for a safer kiss of color on your face and body. Check out this awesome 😎 product!

Hopefully you will love it too.

After a day at the beach or in the sun!

It isn’t all you expected is it? The first few  or time back in the sun after winter is tough. on your skin. Especially when you don’t bring your BFF’S. A sunscreen,sunglasses and lip conditioner. SUNBURN that dreaded look and feeling after a day or two in the sun. You aren’t sitting pretty!

beach blur clouds dawn

Photo by Pixabay on


The #1. thing you should have done was throw out last years or expired sunscreen or sunblocks. You need a fresh one! Please don’t forget to reapply not just apply once and think you are all set. You’re NOT!

2. Protect those PEEPERS and wear sunglasses. Squinting causes wrinkles and your eyes themselves need sun protection. Your lips need some love to with a lip balm.

3. Once you’re burned by the sun and outdoors…you need to rescue your skin! But calm down I’ve got your back!

Try a yogurt …plain fluffy Greek yogurt. You can make your own (I will share how you on another TV blog) get some store bought. Apply to your skin like a face mask. A thin coat will do. leave on and rinse well. Add moisture back to your skin! Apply your fav’ moisturizer and face cream.

*Yogurt is a legendary and easy remedy.

bottle container cream creamy

Photo by Burst on

4. COOL the burn on your skin with milk on a flat cotton pad or gauze.

5. IF you own an aloe plant…grab a leaf. Cut it open and apply the gel inside on the skin. Great for peeling and itchy skin too. Or fill an ice cube tray with aloe vera gel (found in drug store) and freeze. Roll a cube on the burn and cool down that skin! Aloe plants make great plants for outside your kitchen door. OR in your home. Easy to maintain. Good for kitchen burns while cooking too.

green and gray bird perching on aloe vera plant

Photo by Jean van der Meulen on

6. Add moisture back to your skin! Soothe your skin further by applying your fav’ moisturizer and face cream. My latest aloe find is Therapispa aloe lotion for the body and the face cream.

I hope and know you will find these skin rescues for your skin useful.

Enjoy a healthy dose of the sun 🌞 this summer!

*Sharing these tips on WJXT4 on River City Live this moring. You can cacththe video clip later today online and watch anytime!


Want skin perfection this summer?

HG_SelfTanCreme_Amazon_FrontToday on TV on NBC12 and ABC25 on a TV show I do called The Chat I will cover all of these viewer questions.Thought you might be interested in my answers and the beauty tips.


Meghan asks:
How do I get a safe tan and look better in my bathing suit or summer wear? Is there such a thing?
Hamptons Glow Tan,Tone & Tighten self tanning creme
will give you a soft gradual natural looking tan.Gorgeous all over bronze with vitamin E,peptides and aloe.

Or if you prefer:
Hamptons Glow Self Tanning Mist a spray version with aloe,white and green tea extracts. Quick dry technology. Organic DHA

DAILY use a Hydrating Sunblock Broad Spectrum protection on your hands and body. Look for Water resistant.YOU need sunblok or sunscreen even on cloudy rainy days.NOT just in the sun and at the beach.

This line is created by a talented business owner and founder Rachel Thompson who spray tans the rich and Hamptons and  NY elite as well as the the girl next door.

She also ships from AMAZON.

Janet asks:
How do I get that beautiful gleaming glow to my face and body I see on many celebrities and models?

Melanie Mills Hollywood  Gleam Body Radiance comes in three fabulous skin perfecting shades:Rose God,Bronze Gold,Deep Gold.Gleam On The Go!
BONUS: It not only look luminous on the skin. It also masks varicose veins and stretch marks.

So you see getting a healthy sunless tan…without baking in the sun.

*Stay tuned to my blog on what SPF,peptides,aloe,vitamin E,organic DHA  and other words really mean and can do for your skin.






Fill an ice cube tray with fresh buttermilk and freeze. Rub on your sunburned and red areas to cool you down .photo SUN

I SO LOVE THE SUN…and the way it makes my face and body feel. However,as a skin professional I am so sad when I see sunburned,red,scars from a bad burn. This recipe is great for kids too.

Be sunSMART!

Sun painting mural from artist in Gainesville Florida…Love it. Don’t you?

Memorial Day weekend Tan

PR 2013 BEACHI can tell the way the phone calls for appointments stop at my sweet beauty retreat in sunny Florida and the phone rings less that we are coming upon a long holiday weekend.Our mail orders show us that people want all things to tan and give that gorgoeus tan glow.
But BEFORE you get your glow on you need this.

In order for your skin to receive self tanner in spray,powder or lotion you MUST exfoliate your skin both face and body.Say bye bye to dead tired skin and prep the skin for that I escaped to a beautiful island look.

I have many beauty recipes that I whip up from time to time in my recipe box.But this one I received from a friend had a sweet ingredient I have never added to my recipe.The sweet secret is HONEY.

Lemon Honey Sweet Sugar Scrub

1/2 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of sweet almond oil
4 teaspoons lemon juice
4 tablespoons of honey
4 drops of lemon essential oil

First you mix the oil and sugar.
Next add the other ingredients and mix well.
Polish your skin using light pressure for 30-60 seconds.Pay special attention to your knees,elbows and any areas of concern where you have dry skin patches.

Wipe clean with a warm soft washcloth and rinse well.

Your skin will feel AMAZING,soft and silky smooth.
Now, your skin is ready for your self tanner or a base tan. But I professionally recommend NOT baking like a dozen chococolate chip cookies in the sun! Beach,patio or backyard PROTECT your beautiful skin from the harmful sun rays.
A little of the sun’s vitamin D goes a long way,my little cupcakes!

Have a beautiful weekend wherever you live. Celebrate life!

What do your lips say about you?

Lips say so much without saying a word!

Dry, soft, peeling, lined, crusty lips all are signs of something and are a clue to what may be going on with your health too. Keeping your lips healthy requires care on your part too.

Dry Lips may be a sign of weather like being in the hot sun or cold and frigid weather. A job that requires you to work outdoors, from blood pressure medicine or other medications. Or you can simply be thirsty.

Beauty FIX: Applying a lip balm or lip treatment conditioner can make a huge difference and will hydrate them and make them LOOK better too. In order for you to see results, you must do this day and night. Stay hydrated drink plenty of water.

Peeling lips can be caused by the outer elements like the weather. Also today’s new formula die-hard lipsticks can cause dry peeling, flaky lips.
*If this happens to you switch to another brand lipstick that works better for the skin on your lips. If this continues, stop using the product that dries out your lips. Unfortunately, you cannot always have it all long lasting lipstick and soft lips.

Beauty FIX: Apply a lip exfoliator on your lips. It usually comes in a lipstick tube form or you can try to make your own.

Lined lips can be a sign of a smoker or sunbather. Sometimes it is caused from your outdoor job or your fave sport.

Beauty FIX: Use a lip conditioner with vitamin E, C or shea butter to nourish the skin tissue and lines around the lips.
Also, apply moisturizer and or sunscreen on the skin around your lips. Doing this WILL make your skin look and feel better.
Apply a lip balm or lipstick with sunscreen and it will work wonders if you add them to your beauty regime day and night.

Celebrities and models use an old time apothecary secret I know you will love and it is called Rosebud Salve. This rose scented balm in a tin type jar makes your lips beautifully moist and hydrated. It also is great for chapped cheeks and to soften your cuticles.

Here are a couple of quick and cheap recipes you make at home!

D.I.Y Lip Exfoliating Treat:
2 crushed almonds (unsalted)
1 tablespoon of plain dry oatmeal
1/3 to ¼ cup of fresh water

Mix all of the above and make a creamy paste out of it.
Apply on clean lips.
Leave on five to ten minutes.
Rinse well with a lukewarm washcloth

Let your lips air dry and apply your favorite lip balm.
Your lips will love this!

My recipe for a D.I.Y. Lip Scrub

1 soup spoon of brown sugar
1/3 sunflower or almond oil

Mix the two together with a small bowl or mini glass dish.

Apply on clean lips with a baby’s toothbrush.
Rub back and forth gently!
Leave this on for at least five or ten minutes for it to do its magic.
Apply your favorite lip conditioner afterwards.

Pucker up, buttercup! Kissable,healthy looking and hydrated lips in minutes!

Creamy Mashed Avocado

ganze und halbe avocado isoliert auf weiss

DRY hair ends got you down?

I created and discovered this recipe when I had a beyond ripe avocado in my kitchen. I didn’t want to eat it but my HAIR loved it.

Take a ripe or very ripe avocado and mash it. Place it on your hair ends and on the crown. Leave on 15 minutes. The avocado will smooth and hydrate your sun bleached and salt water hair.

My husband loves this DIY hair mask too. YOU will too!

I am getting ready for work in Las Vegas…got a mani & pedi, fresh haircut,self tanned and now last minute packing our boxes of beauty for the beauty show are packed but my wardrobe and beauty necessities are not. Ugh! I hate this part and now packing. I travel so much you’d think I’d be used to it.But I am not.

Later tonight I am doing this mask. Las Vegas is steamy hot and your skin dries like a prune quickly and your hair gets dry looking fast.
This mask will be my moisturized and shiny hair delight.

Viva Las Vegas!

Day 21 to more beautiful skin

Your eyes and the skin around them!

Working in New York you are hidden by lots of buildiings so the sun to me didn’t hit my face like it does in Florida. For years I did not wear sunglasses! Now I think I got a bit smarter on this and see the difference. The skin around your eyes needs TLC and that means sunglasses they actually PROTECT the health of your eyes.They also help with preventing more wrinkles. Squinting from the sun causes wrinkles and not using sunglasses can age that delicate tissue around your eyes over time. My clients whine about those crows feet. I hate those words. I am not a crow and neither are they. They simply need to protect your eyes and take care of them. I used to think sunglasses are just for celebrities in Hollywood.Silly me!

It’s the weekend…If you don’t have a pair of sunglasses maybe now is the time to get a pair.If you don’t have extra money to buy a more upscale healthy pair with major UV protection at least try any pair. Did you know your eyes can get a sunburn too?

Get into the habit of wearing sunglasses! Your eyes will appreciate the protection and so will the skin around those beautiful peeps of yours.