How I Wear Fall Layers Without Looking Frumpy AF — StyleCaster

As soon as October hits and the temperatures start to get all sorts of funky, layered outfit ideas for fall are where it’s at. One day, it’ll be 90 degrees—the sun is shining and you may even be tempted to hit the beach—and then the next, the temperature will drop and you’ll find yourself all…

via How I Wear Fall Layers Without Looking Frumpy AF — StyleCaster

Welcoming Fall!

Whether you call it autumn or is so beauty filled best of all!

Florida is cooling a bit it was 90 today….and I do mean just a bit and I couldn’t be happier!!!

I can’t wait to smell fall. I can’t wait to drink a  cup of warm apple cider.

I long for putting on a pashmina cozy scarf in a new hue.

So can’t wait to pull out my all my leather and cozy fall sweaters!

My lips and nails long for  deeper sexy hues!

I can’t wait to pick out a pumpkin and some seasonal plants at the farm stand for my front door.

I so look forward to the children Trick or Treating at my door.

My mouth can’t wait for the pumpkin seeds I will make in my oven from scratch.

I will truly enjoy  making my own Pumpkin Pie face mask!

Fall, fall I love you best of all…What makes YOU happy to welcome fall?

Share with me! I LOVE hearing from you!

photography of woman surrounded by sunflowers

Photo by Andre Furtado on

Get Glowing with Pumpkin!

I love to cook and makeup in my kitchen and at my vanity.

Try this D.I.Y. and your skin will be on a pumpkin happy high!

In the fall your skin needs some love with something fresh and that gives your skin gentle exfoliation.

1/2 Cup of PLAIN old pumpkin (canned is OK too) Not the pumpkin pie one.

1/2 teaspoon of organic honey

Mix the two together. Let this mixture rest at least half an hour on the counter.

Apply on a CLEAN face. It will not dry perse and harden like a clay mask. This is a creamy mask.

The beautiful benefits of this mask are…your skin will soak the honey in and it will lock in moisture.

The pumpkin is really rich in anti-oxidants …Vitamin C,E and A.

Anti-aging and skin brightening. Your makeup will glide on silk and your skin will look better too.

Fall doesn’t only mean a change in the leaf colors in nature. It also is a time your skin changes too!DIY PUMPKIN MASK