Trying to get in my ….Greens!


I am trying to eat more greens this year and hear all the great things about kale!
I love to eat fruits and veggies but sometimes lots of greens are hard to eat.

I love Kale chips and kale in my stir fry but this time I made a kale smoothie. I wasn’t sure what it would turn out like nor taste like…but it actually is yummy.

So here you go…my creamy Kale delight!!!
1 banana
2 cups of fresh from the market kale
1 teaspoon of Agave nectar
1/2 cup of unsweetened (or sweetened) soy milk

Place all of the above in a blender.Cover…pulse on puree and serve over ice or without ice. ENJOY!
Very refreshing and interesting yummy taste. No, I did not taste the kale at all.

So if you want to sneak in something healthy and green in your smoothie,your husbands or children’s smoothie…have at it. You know I love to cook and makeup!!!
Welcome in the green not just in your salad or stir fry.Let me know how you liked it.