My Skinny Water Recipe


Get Bikini ready or to wear less clothes with this cool water cocktail! I love-making this refreshing treat. So, I thought I’d share this recipe with you to enjoy for the long weekend.

It is also time to stay even more hydrated and this is one of my beauty secrets with a healthy twist. Say Bye Bye to sodas and sugary coffee drinks. Give your body what it needs. Water!

Here is what you’ll need:

1 bunch of fresh mint

1 fresh orange

1 fresh lime

1 fresh grapefruit

1 pitcher of drinking water

*ice is optional

Mint is refreshing and helps and tastes even better when you are tired or stressed out.Grapefruits are popular for their fat burning properties.Limes help remove toxins,are great for the skin and aid in losing weight. Oranges are filled with vitamin C and helps to keep you healthier.

Slice up 4 mint leaves of the above except for the mint leaves.Shred a few of the leaves and keep a few whole. Place all of these in the pitcher of fresh water. Let it rest over night or if you’d like to enjoy it today place pitcher on the kitchen counter at room temperature for at least 4-6 hours allowing the water and the fruits to infuse together.

Serve cold and ENJOY the beauty and detoxifying benefits! It is not just for helping you get your body summer ready. It is delicious and refreshing as a drink for you and the entire family or your guests at a barbecue.

I like to rim the glasses in agave nectar or a dash of honey.Or you can skip this touch of sweetness twist.

I so enjoy shopping my little garden (this is a photo of my mint plant) #shoppinglocal and visiting farmers markets.

I also buy supplies at Whole Foods.They are on the same quest I am on and I love supporting them.Let me know how you enjoy this recipe. Have a fabulous relaxing weekend!

Learn to love water…it will love to back.

Trying to get in my ….Greens!


I am trying to eat more greens this year and hear all the great things about kale!
I love to eat fruits and veggies but sometimes lots of greens are hard to eat.

I love Kale chips and kale in my stir fry but this time I made a kale smoothie. I wasn’t sure what it would turn out like nor taste like…but it actually is yummy.

So here you go…my creamy Kale delight!!!
1 banana
2 cups of fresh from the market kale
1 teaspoon of Agave nectar
1/2 cup of unsweetened (or sweetened) soy milk

Place all of the above in a blender.Cover…pulse on puree and serve over ice or without ice. ENJOY!
Very refreshing and interesting yummy taste. No, I did not taste the kale at all.

So if you want to sneak in something healthy and green in your smoothie,your husbands or children’s smoothie…have at it. You know I love to cook and makeup!!!
Welcome in the green not just in your salad or stir fry.Let me know how you liked it.

Want to look like an ANGEL?

angelMe too!
I mean a Victoria’s Secret angel. Did you get a chance to watch the infamous fashion show the other night? I did and I loved the way their skin glistened like snow. I didn’t love the way their bones popped out of their flesh.BUT I do know how to get the look of an angel.

FACTS that you may not know!

The show took 26 makeup artists,22 hair stylists and 8 nail technicians to doll them up!Some of the makeup artists are just in charge of making their bodies TAN and even more lean. I know this as one of my girlfriends does the spray tanning!They say the show was seen around the globe in one hundred eighty five countries.

If you want to bring sexy back into your skintry my easy and pretty steps! My clients love them and I know you will too!Feed your skin from the inside out. Kale Smoothies were some of the Angels secrets for prettier skin and for feeling healthier.

Wash your face well at night but not with your basic cleaners and a wash cloth.Add sonic cleansing to your life. I recommend and love Clarisonic it polishes my skin and makes my pores look so much better.

Violife toothbrush will clean your teeth and freshen your breath so much better than a standard toothbrush.It’s getting a lot of celebrity attention and works magic in your mouth.

Supersmile toothpaste the FIRST whitening toothpaste by world renowned dentist Dr. Smigel. Brush up on your beauty booty and add this to your beauty regime.

Glamglow mud IS an awesome mask for clear and toned skin. It’s got a big buzz in the beauty and fashion world.Everybody’s using it.Anybody whose anybody.

GO FOR A FACIAL…like a dental hygenist cleans your teeth getting your face professionally cleaned is addictive and your skin will show it and love you for it.

Wear a super shiny gorgeous clear gloss over ANY lipstick or by itself.It will give your lips a youthful sexy look.

Don’t paint your lashes tube them. Blinc mascara is a mascara that does not run or give you ring around the eye smears. Rinses off well without a a special eye makeup remover.

A shimmering metallic lotion or makeup product in a stick,wand or bottle used to accent and highlight your face with a tocuh of shimmer like an angel.
Apply it to your cheekbones tops and eyebrow bone and top of your upper lip cneter where the cupids bow is.

Agave Nectar is a lovely luxurious elixir to soften your skin and to give it a glow.It’s made by FarmHousefreshgoods.

Liquid Nylons is a shimmery skin treatment lotion that is more like a magic potion.Used on the legs in the bedroom or when you don’t feel like wearing hose. It tints your legs with a warm lumnious glow. It is another one of my biggest sellers. From teens to glam ma’s! My clients love the look it gives their legs.

Live,LOVE and sparkle all over the holidays!