15 Things to Give Your Lover…

….when you are on a limited budget!!!  It is that time of year to show your affection with your lover or significant other.

Enjoy MY simply and fun ideas!

It can be as simple as a home-made card from construction paper,printer paper or decorative paper you may have at home.

Bake or buy them what they love…a pie,a cake,brownies,cookies.Or even a simple yummy muffin.Add a note card like “To My Stud MUFFIN”.

Make a bottle of  massage oil simply buy  almond oil,jojoba or grape seed oil.Attach a tag to it and ribbon with hearts or lips.Write that they are going to get a sensual massage from you.

Buy some Hershey’s kisses chocolate in the kind they like:Dark chocolate, milk chocolate,with almonds and more. Lay the kisses down with rose petals and make a trail from when they open the door to the bedroom. Or you can simply do this on the bed.

Another D.I.Y. you can do is make a jar of aromatic relaxing bath salts.Add a candle and you’re good to go.

Flowers are fabulous but so very expensive this time of year especially.Buy him or her a useful plant like rosemary,mint or fresh parsley.They are magic in the kitchen and plants purify the air.

Nothing says “I LOVE YOU” like strawberries gilded in chocolate,nuts and or sparkling shades of gold,red or pink sugar.He or she will swoon and love you for this edible gift.

Champagne is out Prosecco is in! And the best part it is cheaper.

There is nothing like a handwritten LOVE letter! Write like you mean it and on paper.Not a text message please. I have done this to my husband and I must tell you he LOVED it. The look on his face said it all. He still  has it. If is is too much for you to do…try a note on the mirror made with a simple soap bar and write the words  “I  LOVE you” or any short message or words that mean something special to the two of you.

If you have a few bucks treat them to a Passion Fruit Facial by Skin Spa by Casey at Jacksonville Beach. Everyone needs pampering! The skin will look amazing!

Don’t have money for a date on the town? Set up a picnic in bed or throw a pretty throw or blanket on the living room floor.Prepare a simple cheese tray with crackers or a rustic fresh bread.Add music and a cocktail. Feed each other grapes and enjoy the night kissing away!

If you don’t have money for a sexy chocolate sauce from those types of stores….try a simple bottle of Justin’s Hazelnut spread.You know what to do.Lick the night away!

If you do have some money and you want to spring…make HIS or HER heart sing with a custom bottle of perfume or cologne …JUST FOR THEM! http://www.blendcustomparfum.com2-2013 BLEND PARFUM STUDIO

I once found a REAL key at the hardware store that was white with a set of lips on it. I wrapped it in a big box with a V-day type ribbon and bow. I wrote a message with it that read “you have the key top my heart forever”. He got such a kick out of it.

I hope these ideas… help fuel your imagination for the perfect gift!


If you don’t have a Valentine maybe it is time to be your own Valentine and treat yourself to something delightful.

The gift of …The Perfect Red Lipstick!


Last night I attended my first Christmas party of the season with my husband for his business. Over cocktails I quickly discovered women who loved my lips and wanted to know how can they too create the perfect red lip!

I thought you’d like to know this too.So here you go!

The Perfect Tips for Red Luscious Lips!

  • You must start fresh with clean hydrated lips.
  • Apply my  Kissy Lips lip exfoliating Treatment or make a mixture of brown sugar and honey for your lips.
  • Apply my Perfect day Lipstick base
  • Optional:Add  a coat of  China Doll lipstain next to make the color last even longer.It will stain the lips with a rosy stain and make the red hue cling better too.
  • Apply red lip liner or an invisible lip liner that is transparent yet locks color within the lip line.
  • Apply a luscious red lipstick or a red liquid lipstick (they are all the rage).
  • Blot your lips with a fresh tissue or blotting paper.(not powdered just plain)
  • Apply a second coat if you wish to make your pout look bolder.
  • DON’T rub your lips together. Little old ladies do that!

*To make this look even sexier like the makeup artists do in a VICTORIA SECRET runway shows or magazine shoot.Add a dash of a silver or gold lipstick Next add a super shiny gloss in the center of the lips for a sexy highlighted glow. A shimmery way to glow and make the lips look fuller!

You are ready to…Paint the town red,Gorgeous!

A red lipstick & gloss make the perfect gift for your bestie or family member!  Not all gifts need to be costly and over the top. Fill them in Christmas stocking and put a bow on it and give. At this time of year…everyone seems to pull out their best red lipstick,shoes, purse or dress. Make the lips the center of attention.


Valentine’s Day gifts you don’t want to miss!

Counting down to the season of LOVE!

Almost everyone is addicted to getting a luxe cup of coffee. The lines are enormous for Starbucks in store or in the drive-thru. But at various prices a cup it can get costly!!!

You are in luck. I tested some new coffee units and this will make you say Bye Bye to  your coffee unit and stay at home and enjoy a luxurious cup of hot coffee!

Nespresso Evoluo in a Cherry Red shade of lipstick is the bomb!

Makes a frothy fabulous cup of coffee from full bodied to decaf. Coffee capsules from and India,Guatemala and Brazil  make it the most flavorful NOT watery cup of coffee.

Makes a cup of espresso too!

Centrifusion technology and code reading technology does it all at the push of a  button.

Makes your coffee in 20 seconds. Yes,only 20 SECONDS. And no trip to the drive-thru.

Shuts off safely for you in 9 minutes just in case you are like me and forget to shut off the unit too.Cherry Nespresso_VERTUO_Main_684x378

I really think it is the PERFECT gift for HIM or HER especially if they are a coffee lover.

Oh so LOVE mine!

George Clooney not included.

Stay tuned for more awesome gift ideas.