Makeup Tips for Tweenagers and Teens

kelllllllllllllli2When it comes to makeup Tweens and Teens I know you want to start wearing makeup a lot sooner than when I was growing up! While I love MAKEUP and own a beauty candy shoppe …my message to you is to embrace your face! Don’t rush! Live in the moment and enjoy your beauty and the beauty of growing up today.

Here are a few tips and tricks to remember:

SUNSCREEN is a girl’s best friend.

Cleaning your face at night is a MUST.(Even if you don’t wear makeup.)Don’t go to sleep with makeup on EVER.

Learn to LOVE water.It is so good for your health and your skin.If you are not wild about it make spa water.It is so much fun to make at home.New recipe to follow in next blog.

YOU are what you eat…try and eat a balanced diet.And a cupcake sometime.

Take care of your skin.Don’t use deodorant bars on your delicate face.Use a soap bar that is made for the complexion.I love home-made bars by crafters like a skin Clarity bar that gently cleans and exfoliates.
If you have normal to very dry skin don’t use this type bar. Go for a goat’s milk hydrating bar or something like a Dove soap.

A face mask is a must. I love to wash away impurities and clean my skin with a clay based mask.

If you are a 8,9,10,11 or 12 years old:SORRY…you don’t need to wear ANY makeup except a lip gloss,balm or lip conditioner. YOU are beautiful they way you are.

If you 13 or 14 years old you can use a soft lipstick or lip gloss and soft shade of blush is fine.

If you are 15,16,:a pretty lipstick,gloss,blush and a kiss of a neutral pretty eyeshadow is fine.Mascara for special occassions.Clear mascara is another option for brows and lash definition.

NO FOUNDATION for any age below 15 years old. Yes,really.Your lashes are beautiful.

18 is the perfect age to start to wear: A dash of tinted moisturizer,beauty balm,or a soft application of foundation is fine.A lipstick or gloss,one pretty eyeshadow to highlight the eyes. Mascara in the form of tubes.(easy to remove and does not run) A kiss of blush to the apple of your cheeks.
Rice powder to set your makeup or a setting spray.

Beauty Note: STAY AWAY FROM black mascara or liner unless it is in the evening or if you want to make your eyes look defined but smaller.Opt for a navy,teal,eggplant mascara and they will always make your eyes look bigger.Don’t overdo mascara and look like tarantella eyes.It is not a pretty look.

Please note: As a professional makeup artist I highly recommend and am in beauty love with the magic of rice powder. It tones down shine,makes your makeup last longer,is fabulous for girls or guys with acne or even a mature woman.

Concealer or cover-up is optional at your age. If you do need it buy it in the form of a lipstick tube.Easy to apply and is used for undereye circles and for blemishes.

Don’t wear chipped nail polish.Keep those nails looking good with a sheer metallic shade.These shades don’t show chips.
Or try a bold or hot new color.

Go for a makeup lesson and have someone teach you the RIGHT way to take care of your skin and how to do your makeup for every day.

Look your age! Don’t do your makeup over the top or worse yet be a CAKE FACE!

You are only YOUNG and your age once! Enjoy the ride.
Have fun and kiss & makeup!

To see a video clip of my beauty and lifestyle segment on today’s Morning Show…go to type in NOREEN YOUNG in the search bar and you’ll find me.