Mistletoe, Kisstletoe!

Happy New year’s eve day…if you wanna be kissed under the mistletoe. Try this BEAUTY D.I.Y!  If your lips are dry give them a soft conditioning high with a teaspoon or less of coconut oil and or old time Vaseline.

Rub on clean lips and leave on last 10 minutes.If your lips are really dry add a dash of sugar left over from your last trip to Starbucks.Scrub gently.

Rinse well with lukewarm water and a washcloth.

Pucker up those lips and shake those hips…

Time to spread some cheer for the new year!!! Even if it is with a stranger.MISTLETOE 2016

Got left over candy canes?

Never fear there is so much to do with them my dears!

Smash them in their wrapper and rim your hot cocoa mugs with them for a peppermint twist.

Break them in pieces and place them in a bowl filled with good quality vanilla ice cream. What you’ll have is a yummy candy cane ice cream on the cheap.

Rim the broken and crushed candy canes,dip in lemon juice and watch them stick around the rim of a cocktail glass. Pour your favorite cocktail inside.

Bake sugar cookies and place a few peppermint crumbles on top before they fully cook in the oven.Be careful when you do it but enjoy this tasty cookie twist.

Grab your nieces,sisters,mom,grandchildren or BFF and make a DIY a Candy Cane lip gloss!


1/2 small candy cane crushed into mini pieces

1 tiny 1/2 drop of food grade peppermint flavoring.

1 mini or small plastic or glass jar

1 scoop of Vaseline (or Organic coconut oil)

Stir all of these together and place in the container.

Apply with lip brush and or your finger.Your lips will feel and look softer and the minty flavor will taste awesome.

Have fun and most of all …Enjoy!BLOGphoto

Beet Beauty to the rescue~

beet-salad-1Some celebrities use strawberries on their teeth to make them whiter. Allure my fave beauty magazine recommends you try a bag of frozen peas on your eyes for puffiness. Women in Italy love olive oil for hair and skin.

I had to take it a bit further …when I forgot my tinted lipstain yesterday.

I had accidentally left my lipstick at my office on my desk in my cosmetic case.I own a cosmetic candy shoppe and I was lipstickless. I HATE not to have any color on my lips. I mean it drives me crazy!
Worse yet people stop me some days as they recognize me from my beauty & lifestyle segment on TV.

So,I took the beet from my salad and slipped it into a napkin and went into the powder room. I placed the fresh aubergine beet on my lips as if I were applying a lipstick.Then I applied a dash of the new mini pop in your purse Vaseline over the beet stain on my lips.
My lips were kissed with a soft ruby tint and I looked marvelous!

It’s fun to experiment…share with me what recipes you have come up with.
I love hearing from you.