I LOVE NEW YORK…let me share the ways!

I went to New York City last week on a quick business trip shortened by the recent Nor’Easter…but when I go back home I always want to see what’s NEW! So, since my time was short I grabbed a limo and enjoyed the city…quickly before my meetings and a beauty event that night.

NYC Empire State photo.JPG

The view out my hotel room window was stunning. I never get tired of looking at the Empire State Building. I love the Empire State Bar and Grill. Nom Wah Tea parlor.JPG

I had breakfast at Tiffanys with an awesome Danish and gourmet coffee uptown.Next was so ready to visit my Dim Sum Brunch spot in Chinatown NYC. This street is where many movies are shot and fashionable photo shoots for magazines too. Some of the cast from Saturday Night Live eat here. This is is a historic and unique place.

Nom Wah Tea Parlor.

Do you see the glitter and sparkles? Those are the celebration remains of the  Chinese New Year Parade.

EGGLOO NYC I have a sweet tooth so I had to go to  the newest sensation Eggloo…a hot bubble waffle with your choice of exotic and familiar fav’ ice creams. Toppings to make your lips sing and in the above I got fresh strawberries and Asian cookie sticks. It will set you back $$$ so I’ve warned you. The entire experience was delicious fun and I loved watching them make the bubble waffles from scratch. I only wish I owned the waffle maker.


Next stop to a few new boutiques and then Macy’s in Herald Square. If you have never been this store is HUGE and a shopping mecca. Macy’s has had a makeover the past few years and keeps on getting better.

The only traces of it’s old school decor that is left are these iconic wooden escalator stairs. I hope they never change these. I remember when I worked in Macy’s where I started my NEW YORK beauty career…how MANY TIMES I went up and down these stairs to powder my nose and use the rest room or grab a bite at lunch. I was always afraid my high heels would get caught in those wooden slots…but they never did.

I shopped FAST and had to run on to my next beauty business event!

Macys NYC staircase.JPG

After cocktails,chocolates,cupcakes,gourmet Truffle Chips from Italia,photo opps, seeing my beauty executive friends again and making new ones. I then played in makeup,fragrance and skin care and more.

I craved one thing more before the night was over!!! A NYC style thin crust ooozing with cheese PIZZA. I soon discovered my fav’ place had changed names. I took a chance to see in the pouring rain (I might add) and see if the pizza recipe was the same. It was. This photo of my slice on a paper plate does not do it justice. It was AMAZZZZING! The place is called Bravo Pizza on Seventh Ave. minutes from Madison Square Garden and Penn Station.

I hoped you enjoyed the sneak peek into my day BEFORE the Nor’Easter snow and cold.

Unfortunately, it snowed like cotton balls were flying from the sky and got even colder. I hate March (Jan. and Feb too) in NYC the WEATHER is so unpredictable! Flew back to the palm trees of FLORIDA WISHING I could have done so much more.

#foodie #travel #workandplay  #noreenyoung  #MUA  #skinexpert #nyc #blogger #iloveny #speaker

There’s magic in Jade & more!

cropped-img_7371.jpgToday is Chinese New Year…the year of the rooster.  I have been pampering my clients faces and pouts with the magic of jade all day.

You don’t have to be Asian to celebrate the lunar new year and all things Asian beauty!

I also love to celebrate the next 15 days of the Chinese New Year with other beauty rituals and of course FOOD glorious Asian food.

I am Cholish…

This makes me Chinese and Polish. I love being a combination platter!

If you don’t know… Chinese, Japanese and above all K-Beauty (Korean Beauty) are all the rage.Especially when it comes to beauty rituals!

Go to your pantry or nearest Asian grocery store. Get some Chinese Take-Out and brew some hot tea starting this weekend to celebrate the lunar New Year, which begins TODAY  Saturday January 28, 2017.

Treat yourself to a festive meal and a trip to the orient without leaving the city! You might even want to invite your bestie!

Asian women I have interviewed from Hong Kong to Korea all agree…

Tea is an everyday beauty ritual. All kinds of tea from Chinese Oolong tea to Korean Barley tea. To fight off cancer they love green tea. To give them energy and stamina they drink ginseng tea. There is even a tea for inner cleansing and detoxifying tea.

Note: They usually do not use sugar or sweet and low in their tea.

Did you know that tea also freshens breath and keeps your gums healthy too? Allow me to turn you on to a delightful type tea. Jasmine tea is both delicious, smells and tastes divine. You must try it.

Rice is a favorite food in their diet as well. It fills you up faster and low in fat so you tend to eat less. Soups as main meals are another way to eat and stay trim. They fill the bowl with chicken or beef stock and toss in fresh veggies. What a delightful explosion of tastes! My fave rice is aromatic jasmine rice.* If you are looking to lose a a few pounds…try eating with chopsticks!

Korean women use up to 10 products on their face a day! They double cleanse their skin daily. They also love sheet masks. They have a mask for almost everything! Face, lips, eye area, neck, hair, feet and thighs. Some are made with crushed pearls, fruit, veggies and essence of snails (yikes). All to make them look their best.

Japanese girls love the benefits of a face mask made with nightingale droppings. That means bird poop! However, they swear by it for gorgeous flawless skin.

 Jade Face Skin Smoothing Roller: Asian Royalty has used it for years. Excellent when you roll this cool tool on the face for revitalizing the skin by bringing the blood to the surface. It is also very relaxing. One side is for eyelid area and other side for face. You have to feel it to believe its magic. I am addicted.

Pearl Cream is a beauty must have. To this day Chinese and Vietnamese girls and women use this ant-aging ancient secret cream. It is made of crushed pearls and other emollients. It is opaque in color, melts on your fingers when applied to the face, and becomes translucent. It helps brighten the complexion by lightening sunspots and keeps the skin moist and hydrated. It smells as if you visited a flower garden.

Rice powder an oriental silky powder sets your makeup, helps your makeup up last longer and tones down shine. If you have problem with always being hot or have oily skin it also helps to prevent makeup meltdown. It can be used by itself on your skin or over makeup base. It can be unisex. It is applied with a Kabuki powder brush.

It also comes in a powder to go version. A little notebook of 70 papers comes to this business card like booklet. It powders the face as well as blots oil. They are called Asian Powder Papers.

Shark fin supplements and other herb shop potions are recommended to keep their fountain of youth. Even the celebrities are doing it. They say Nicole Kidman the actress takes them to keep her skin looking gorgeous and younger looking.

Dragon fruit: As argan oil is the new buzz in skin care so is the dragon fruit for our skin cells. This pink delight does wonders for the complexion when added to skincare or by eating it. It looks kinky and is a gorgeous pink hue with shooting green things coming from it. Sweet to eat!

My recipe for a cheap D.I.Y Jasmine Rice Face Mask:

  •  Take a cup of rice, rinse gently.
  • Next, pour the rinsed rice into a clear small bowl with enough water to cover it. Wait until a milky residue appears. This is your face mask. (They call them Water Masks)
  • On a clean face, place the milky watery solution from the rice on your face with a drenched cotton pad. Let it dry.
  • Rinse with a luke warm washcloth and warm water. It will brighten your skin and your skin will feel like silk from this face treat.

The fountain of youth and pretty is at your fingertips.

Explore some of the above Oriental delights.

Life is an adventureexplore beyond your door!


You don’t have to be Chinese to Celebrate Chinese New Year!

Beauty Fortune Cookies

Let’s wok & roll and celebrate another year!!!

Yes, if the NEW year thus far did not start with a bang…YOU can start again. SHARE this holiday with your sweetie,family or a few friends.

Step 1.Search YOUR recipe books or look online for some easy stir-fry or dumpling dishes.OR buy Chinese Take Out.Keep it easy and simple.

Step 2.Put your hair up in chopsticks if its long enough and a silky robe.You’ll feel and look like a China Doll.(I always do)

Step 3. Wear some jade jewelry it is a good luck stone.Or put on your REAL gold for good luck in the New Year.

Step 4 .Buy anbd servve some HOT green or oolong Asian tea and some Lucky Beer! The bottle is shaped in a Buddha and it lucky shade of jade green.I like to rub tummy for good luck.

Step 5.Find some Take Out boxes and fill a little someting in each one for your sweetie or family.

Step 6. SERVE fortune cookies over your fave ICE CREAM.

MAKE tonight even more fun…Celebrate Chinese new year!

My fortune cookie above reads: “Want LUSCIOUS hydrated lips? Rub some organic honey over them”.

Discover Beauty & Health Secrets of Asian women!

China doll collectionIt
This Friday is the start of the lunar New Year and although I am a FOODIE I am also in Beauty and LOVE sharing my passion! I love to eat,cook and makeup.So this year I am sharing some beauty and not food recipes.
My favorite places when I travel are the various neighborhoods I especially ADORE exotic Chinatown. I find there is such a mystique about Asian women and how they look…even in their golden years. On a personal note as an all American girl who just happens to be of Chinese and Polish ancestry I can truly relate to the mystery as well.

Growing up I often wondered what was the white yet translucent block of face powder?
The exotic bamboo face brushes?
What were the vials or mini bottles they would drink?
The unusual food with both salty and sweet taste and the unique fruits and vegetables. As time went on I learned there is a reason for everything and every product. I too began using these beauty potions and to this day, still do.

Celebrities are all about the secrets from the Orient too. So can you!

I am delighted to share some notable beauty secrets that you can start using in your beauty regimens too if you would like.

Asian women I have interviewed from China to Japan all agree they were told to stay out of the sun. If they were in the sun for work or errands they wear large straw hats and some even go as far as wearing white gloves. Most Asian women freckle easy and do not like sunspots.

Tea is an everyday beauty ritual. All kinds of tea from white tea to oolong tea. To fight off cancer they love green tea. To give them energy and stamina ginseng tea. There is even a tea for inner cleansing and detoxifying tea. Note: They customarily do not use sugar or sweet and low in their tea. Did you know that tea also freshens breath and keeps your gums healthy too? Allow me to turn you on to a delightful type tea.
Jasmine tea is both delicious, smells and tastes divine. You must try it.

Asians love their fruits and vegetables. They shop everyday for fresh food even for fish and meats. They love healthy stir-fry dishes. They try to avoid greasy or deep-fried foods. If they do have them, they eat it in moderation. Asian people have all kinds of recipes good for your health recipes and unique delicacies

Rice is a favorite food in their diet as well. It fills you up faster and low in fat. so you tend to eat less. Soups as main meals are another way to eat and stay trim. They fill the bowl with chicken or beef stock and toss in fresh veggies. What a delightful explosion of tastes!

Ginger is revered by many cultures. The Chinese use it to aid digestion, treat stomach upsets, and revitalize the skin and to relieve diarrhea and nausea for more than 2,000 years. I recommend you make a tea out of it. Simply cut a few slices of it and pour boiling hot water over them. It will calm your tummy down.
It is also wonderful to cook with.

Ginseng is an excellent supplement to improve your energy levels and mental alertness. It is also used to help lower cholesterol levels.

Jade Face Skin Smoothing Roller: Asian Royalty has used it for years. Excellent when rolled unto the face for revitalizing the skin by bringing the blood to the surface. Also is very relaxing. One side is for eyelid area and other side for face. You have to feel it to believe it’s magic. I am addicted.

Pearl Cream is a beauty must have. To this day Asians use this ant-aging ancient secret cream. It is made of crushed pearls and other emollients. It’s opaque in color and melts on your fingers when applied to the face and becomes translucent. It helps brighten the complexion by lightening sunspots and keeps the skin moist and hydrated. It smells as if you visited a flower garden.
Day Spas all over the globe offer luxurious PEARL facials that brighten and condition the skin.

Rice powder is a square block of powder that looks like the size of a brownie. This powder makes your make up last longer and tones down shine. If you have a problem with peri-menopause or menopause it helps to prevent makeup meltdown. It can be used by itself on your skin or over makeup base. It is unisex. It is applied with a kabuki powder brush

It also comes in a powder to go version. A little notebook of 70 papers come to this business card like booklet. It powders the face as well as blots oil. They are called Asian Powder Papers.

Shark fin supplements and other herb shop potions are recommended to keep their fountain of youth. Even the celebrities are doing it. They say Nicole Kidman the actress takes them to keep her skin looking gorgeous and younger looking.

Dragon fruit: As argon oil is the new buzz in skin care so is the dragon fruit for our skin cells. This pink delight does wonders for the complexion when added to skin care. I love to eat it by itself.

My recipe for a cheap D.I.Y Jasmine Rice Face Mask:
Take a cup of rice, rinse gently. Next pour the rinsed rice into a clear small bowl with enough water to cover it. Wait until a milky residue appears. This is your facemask. On a clean face, place the milky watery solution from the rice on your face with a drenched cotton pad. Let it dry. Rinse with a luke warm washcloth and warm water. You will feel so refreshed and your skin will feel like silk from this facial smoothie.

If you have never been to the Orient nor a Chinatown in a big city. It is a must do. It is fascinating, interesting to learn the culture and a delight to your eyes! Stop by a tea shop, explore the fresh markets and visit the herb shops where you can consult the doctor for what ails you…for free! (In most cities) He or she asks you questions and by
looking at your tongue and into your eyes recommends medicine for you!

Your fountain of youth and energy is at your fingertips.
Chinese New Year is approaching and you do not have to be Asian to celebrate the beauty finds, food finds and healthy tips.
Life is an adventure…explore beyond your door!Got a beauty question on the above? Email me.
See me on TV today at http://www.wjxt.com. I’ll post the link later today.

Secrets of a China Doll

Still celebrating Chinese New Year all over the world. Bring out your inner China doll and enjoy learning about these.

Rice Powder with pretty in pink Baby Kabuki Brush

 Asian skin smoothing face & eye roller– Roll away the stress of the day and use this anti-aging treat. One side is for the eye area and one for the face. Chinese Royalty used it now so can you!

 Lipstain in China Doll– Stains your lips with a moist rosy glow.

TEA-licious Green Tea Lip Conditioner (guys love it too) for soft kissable lips!

Have you got a beauty question  you’d like answered? I am here to help. Simply ask!

Wok and Roll in the Chinese New Year!


Yummy says my husband and his tummy. Today ME a Chinese Polish makeup artist …am cooking up a storm .Enjoy day one~

Stir fry Gulf Shrimp and Snow peas

10 or 12 gulf shrimp

½ box of frozen snow peas

3 tablespoons of canola oil

1/3 to ½ cup of water

1 teaspoon of minced garlic

2 tablespoons of rice wine

1 teaspoon of fish sauce

2 tablespoons of chicken broth

Shell, clean and cut the shrimps in half lengthwise. Rinse and set aside to drain.

Heat wok or frying pan on high for 1 minute or until it begins to smoke before adding

3 tablespoons of  stir fry oil.

Add shrimp to wok and stir for 30 seconds until the shrimp begin to change color.

Carefully remove the shrimp and not the oil and set aside the shrimp.

Add green beans and water to the wok and stir around until water is evaporated. Add chicken stock and fish sauce. Add more water if necessary and add the garlic and stir-fry 30 seconds. Add shrimp back to wok and add the chicken stock and below noodles or no noodles. Whatever you prefer.   Cook until pea pods are tender yet crunchy.

OPTIONAL Add cooked cellophane or udon noodles and stir until coated with oil.

Noodles symbolize Long Life.

 Season with soy sauce to taste and serve.

Add Hot green or jasmine tea and a fortune cookie and you will have a meal that takes you to the Orient and back.

Enjoy! Chinese New Year is a 14-day celebration that starts today.

You do not have to be Chinese to celebrate.


 My Chinese beauty secrets… Growing up  I wanted Avon and Revlon…now I embrace the secrets of the Orient!

 Bring out your inner China Doll and stay young forever with my beauty secrets

Rice powder- to tone down shine and make makeup last longer.

Pearl cream- a moisturizer for luminous skin.

Green tea Lip conditioner- for day and night moisturization.

China Doll Lipstain –stains your lips with a rosy healthy glow

Asian Powder papers-blot oil, refresh, and powder the face.

Asian Rice powder- a makeup artist and China Doll’s secret to longer lasting makeup.

Green tea eye pads…apply old used green tea bags for a soothing eye lid treat. Close your eyes and smell the relaxation.