Save those lashes!

  • LashSavers™ are the ‘Elite Sleep Mask’, extending the life of your lash investment when you get lash extensions. Also great to use when use any other faux eyelashes.
  • Saves your make-up from smearing overnight and from getting all over the pillows
  • Even do make-up the night before and be ready with time to spare in the morning!
  • The New Deluxe Mask has a soft cushioning and pretty fringe
  • Washable
  • One size fits all

You’ll feel like Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s!

Protect those gorgeous new lashes or lash extensions Girls

You’ll be glad you found this special kinda of eye mask.


Lash Savers IMG_1382.JPG

This is my model on set today. Suzi West cannot wait to sleep in these beauties as she loves to wear false eyelashes!

Video of my segment on TV TODAY will be up on site. on River City Live in Sunny Flordia.woman in pink lipstick

photo by Beatnik Peach on

Tired looking or Puffed up EYES!

Tired puffy eyes got you down?

Show host and reporter Vic Mic from WJXT 4 ‘s The Morning Show wanted to know what he could do so I thought the TV viewers and YOU would want to know too. Sometimes it may be what you eat. Sometimes it is all about that time of year like seasonal allergies.Sometimes it is lack of sleep. Sometimes it is all that partying  you are doing!

“Concealer is good start but only covers up and masks the issues”IMG_1569 blog WJXT 4.jpg

Here are a few of my other professional recommendations for the ladies or men.

1.Eye treatment  masks give instant gratification! These are a hot trend and work wonders! Today I shared To Go Spa’s cooling coconut eyes gel eye masks.

2. Try an Eye Gel as it is lighter than a cream and it is a less heavy feel and application. Choose a formula that brightens and hydrates the tissue in the eye area.

3. A natural approach could be a slice of a potato or good old cool cucumber. It does help temporarily in the appearance of a puffy eyes.Chill,lay down and place either of them on your eyes. It isn’t only all about what you use topically on the face!

4. COLD spoons pressed across your eyelid can cool and tone down the puffiness but you don’t want to carry a frozen  or cold spoon with you all day…Do you?

You need beauty from the inside out  with a dietary beauty supplement like NeoCell’s Glow Matrix.

Clinically tested rapid action ceramides keep the moisture in and the glow matrix blend help improve skin moisture and elasticity reduced signs of aging.It keeps the skin supple looking,plump (that’s a good thing) and hydrated!

For more info:

I am so pleased with my results and how my skin is looking from this product.This brand makes many rock stars for your skin but this is the latest and greatest.

Hope this guide from today’s TV show helps! f you’d like to see the footage on TV  visit

I love hearing from you and want to help with your beauty issues too.


As many times as I have been on this show this is a special and new greeting that I discovered in the lobby at the TV station. Pretty cool isn’t it?

How To Create a Place for Relaxation & …

10-26-2013 Kumasi & NOREEN PHOTO -1Get a good night’s sleep!

Today on TV I will share some easy inexpensive and effective ways to create calm when ALL the crazy and beautiful holidays are coming.

My Top Ten List

Select a cozy lounge chair,beautiful lamp and blanket to wrap yourself in.

A zen like statue,subliminal signs like ones that say “RELAX,A day at the Beach,Love,Peace”

Candles battery operated or the real thing.

Salt Lamps good for your health and mood.Just looking at them in your room lit up makes you feel a sense of calm.

Fresh flowers, herbs or orchid plant to purify the air and to go to sleep by.

Spray the room with aromatic room spray scents like lavender & vanilla. The Febreeze brand has come out with a new sleep spray scent.

Sleep on pillow cases,sheets and blankets that are NOT wild patterns or colors.I love the beautiful spiritual sayings on the pillow cases by You may browse and shop them at

Tired Eyes,Allergy Eyes or Migraine eyes call for COOL eye mini eye masks just like the DAY SPAS use.

Sleep masks DO WORK and get you in the mood.I love the ones by

Sipping chamomile tea or warm milk work wonders.

Listen to music like they play at the spas. My fave artists and CD’s are David Young Bliss or Solace and George Skaroulis Sanctuary. You’ve gotta own at least one of these.

Apply a LUXURIOUS lotion that makes you feel good or an herb type towelette that assures relaxation like

I LOVE to surround myself with things that make me happy.

ALL of the above will put you in the mood for REST and a catch some ZZZZZ’s. Share with me what works for you! I always LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU!

I hope they help you and give you the beauty rest you WILL need!!

For a video footage from my TV appearance catch a peek at: later today.