Hi Handsome!

I get it. Guys want to look good too!

Today on River City Live TV in sunny Florida I am sharing a few answers to viewers skincare and lifestyle questions.

You can watch a video clip and read MORE on http://www.News4Jax.com after they post it on their site after the show. Click River City Live.

But here are some highlights from my beauty report:

Guys especially bearded ones are looking for a rescue for razor bumps on the face and neck. I found a great new product to help with that. It is washable and reusable.

They are called the Dermasuri’s Face & Neck Exfoliator for Bearded Men. This mitt helps prevent ingrown hairs and razor bumps.

Both of these mitts are made with a unique and gentle fabric texture to wash and exfoliate the face. All you need is hot water and this and you’re on your way to better looking skin!

Healthy skin is so in!

The other is their Deep Exfoliating Mitt Face Scrub. You may use daily or a few times a week.

Got acne? I’d go for a washcloth and a gentle face cleanser.

Do I really need a sunscreen? I work indoors and do not spend a lot of time outdoors. Just running errands or taking a quick walk in the neighborhood gives you sun. The sun is always on! Rain or shine.

Yes, everyone needs a sunscreen to shield themselves from the harmful sun 🌞 rays!

Rain or shine or shine it is always on!

Come back from more!

Sweet Dreams Darling


Are you Sleepless in Seattle like me? I find a lot of us are. This pandemic isn’t very pretty and a bit stressful too.

So here are a few tips I use or have started to use to get better sleep that I find are working and make me look better when I wake up too.

Drinking tea like Chamomile or Holy Basil are calming to the nervous system and great to enjoy a cup an hour or so before you go to bed.

clear glass bowl beside yellow flower

Photo by Mareefe on Pexels.com

Buy fresh lavender online and get some muslin or organza bags you can find at the craft or Dollar store. Make yourself some fresh lavender bud sachets. Place in pillowcase or hang from the bed post. The soothing and calming scent will make you feel relaxed. You can even make an eye mask with them if you like to sew.

photo of white pink and yellow ceramic mug and saucer

Photo by Mareefe on Pexels.com

Take a bath…Especially if you are a shower guy or gal. Baths are miracle workers and can really settle you down after a long day. Even more so now. Use Epsom salts and add a few drops of jojoba and lavender oil. I like the brand called Aura Cacia. Did you know they even make lavender tea? So delightful to the tongue and to your spirits.

If you want to refresh tired feet soak them in a water basin and give them a bath with a few drops of peppermint oil.

Discover Spongelle... it is a hand wash buffer sponge that gives you  at least 40 hand washings and sanitizes too. More effective at removing germs and dirt than soap alone. The best part it has aromatherapy like ThymeTea Tree Oil. You can use it in a bath,in the shower or hand washing. You can even travel with it. Since we need to wash our hands often and haven’t been able to get manicures. I love to use this to keep clean especially for behind the finger nails. I’ve cut my nails back and love how clean and soft yet not dry my hands are.

A good nights sleep I think also requires clean pretty sheets and a lush BETTER  pillow. I found a pillow that is great to not only sleep with but helps with sleep wrinkles,Morning puffiness and marks. Bye Bye puffy face when you wake up in the morning!

Sleep and Glow  is designed with your face in mind! And is the brand and I can’t wait for you to check it out too.


Make a nightly SLEEP ritual… and I wish you Sweet Dreams!

This week I featured these tips on River City Live on TV here in Jacksonville Florida. The video is available below and or on YouTube too.

http://www.rivercitylive.com                       http://www.news4jax.com







The Beauty in TEA Time!

There’s so much beauty in sipping a cup of TEA. The process alone is so relaxing and calming…especially when I have time for it. Not just a quick cup of it in the morning.

How about you do you like coffee or tea or both?

A few weeks ago I had a flight delayed in Atlanta and instead of going to the Delta Sky Club we chose to go to P.F.Chang’s. Stressed from running from one Terminal to another. Tired because the day had been very long and just wanted a cozy spot to compose and chill. Their tea is delightful iced or hot. But my fave is hot served in this pot. This is the way they serve it. By the time we had a few potstickers and two pots of tea we were so chilled out for our next hour flight home with a midnight arrival. Look for them on your next trip via Atlanta.

If you’re not traveling and at home. Save the tea bag or tea leaves from your tea and enjoy a facial steam with the leftovers. I like chamomile flowers found at your local fancy market. Lavender buds are also another great choice and both are calming. All you do is add the flowers or buds to a bowl of hot or very warm water you boiled from your tea pot. Place a lightweight towel over your head and go near the bowl for the steam to hit your face. Be careful. Do this for at least 10 minutes.Double-duty beauty! Inside and out.

So next time you’re stressed,rushed or just plain need a few minutes to yourself.

Skip the wine and have some tea time!



Beauty From the Garden & More!


Flowers and herbs….Can make you feel better and healthier! I am trying to enjoy them even more before the winter chill and frost arrive in Florida. I love fresh mint,rosemary and other herbs growing outside my door.

Surround yourself with them to make you happy!

  • Eat parsley to freshen up your breath!
  • Make a cup of cozy hot tea with fresh peppermint or mint!
  • Bathe in bubbles and the scent of some fresh rose petals to stress less.
  • Place eucalyptus branches in your shower and steam your way to breathing better from allergies.
  • Add edible flowers to a salad. and make your day more beautiful and even better.
  • Massage your shoulders gently with grape seed oil and a smooth and soothing river rock from your garden supply.
  • Can’t get to sleep…use Chamomile to help you get those ZZZ’S.

Enjoy the beauty of these simple things I promise they can make your heart sing.

Say hello to a happier new you!