Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Breakfast Cookies — NancyC

Cookies for breakfast? That sounds like a great idea to me! I found this recipe for Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Breakfast Cookies a few years back when I was reviewing Bob’s Red Mill Everyday Gluten-Free Cookbook and thought this would be a good time to repost them. They are great for busy school day mornings […]

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Breakfast Cookies — NancyC

Don’t these look yummy?

I can’t wait to try this breakfast recipe that this blogger made and enjoyed. Great for a nice Sunday morning breakfast or weekday for the kids before school treat. Let me know how you like it. Cause who doesn’t LOVE cookies? Especially for breakfast!!!

Chic Vanity Tables to Elevate Your Beauty Routine — StyleCaster


Love a great vanity (aka Dressing Table)… ME too!

Here are a few you can swoon over or D.I.Y. yourself one. Inspiration is everywhere. I have a portable vanity one I use to touch up myself in my makeup studio or on set on location. Perhaps I will  share that one with you one day soon.

It’s time to give your getting-ready set-up a luxe makeover.

via Chic Vanity Tables to Elevate Your Beauty Routine — StyleCaster

A rare beauty find!

I have had clients with all kinds of skin issues from a giant zit on their wedding day to sun spots from spending a lifetime outdoors.

But I never knew what to quite do when I had a new client call me with Vitiligo.

So,since it is World Vitiligo Day I thought I’d share with you a brand and Camouflage Makeup Kit … JUST for this condition. A rare beauty find!

Fake Bake ( you know the famous self tan company) has come up with a beautiful brand and product to help people who have a skin condition called Vitiligo.

Created by a Vitiligo patient this system is everything you need to make Vitiligo appear to vanish! Glides on smoothly to temporarily match your existing pigment. Customizable and for warmer to cooler complexions to lighter skin tones.

Nice tropical 🌴 scent! Paraben Free!

Created by a woman and a patient who has this skin condition.

The woman behind the VV brand is Jackie McDonald is a miracle worker. They say accidents are the Mother of Invention. And by chance and a bit of a playful beauty accident Vitiligo Vanquish was born!

Makeup artists need this in their beauty essentials kit…just in case.

Spread the word…whether you do makeup,skincare or YOU have or a family member or friend has Vitiligo …be in the know. Sharing is caring. I LOVE helping people. I hope I have helped you or someone you know by this post.

Vitiligo Vanquish is running a special I just noticed until June 30th. Worth a look.

Brown & Black Girl Beauty!

I love ❤️ ALL my clients and those who are girls of color too. So, I thought you’d like to learn some tips for a pretty awesome complexion,makeup and hair.This post addresses three beauty issues.

Since I am Eurasian I usually mix two foundation colors to create my look. Same is true for women of color.

Things have changed in the world of beauty with beauty brands like Fenty Beauty and other brands you can find a foundation. But at times or if you’re a mixed chick like me or not sometimes you’ll find foundation for you may be too pink, too pale, too red… so you’ll look better if you play chemist and mix two. It’s fun actually.

Mixing one foundation from a brand and a few dots of another brands color you will look even more even toned. That’s the goal… Right?

For applying foundation I like to use my Makeup Magic Wand sponge on a stick damp with a dash of water. This way it spreads easier and you can sheer the colors out as you give them a whirl.

I apply a lighter color on the inner part of the face and a darker on the edges, forehead and chin. Black or brown skin is usually two-toned. So I have learned to play with makeup and mix.

Photo by Marcelo Chagas on Pexels.comphoto of woman wearing white shirt

For feet, soft elbows and knees I highly recommend one of Oprah’s favorites.

Farmhouse Fresh Honey 🍯 Heel Glaze. It has an aromatic scent with hydrating loveliness that takes away an ashy look to your soles,toes, elbows and knees. It smells like grandma baked an awesome pie! Instant soft skin gratification. Beyond yum!

As for the eyes. I show my clients how to create a one color all over the lid look with a highlighter. Or how to apply several shades of  highlighters …all over the lid. Champagne, gold, copper… and at the outer corner a smidge of a deeper matte shade to pull it all together for even more definition.

As for hair I recommend what clients tell me they use for a hair hydrating treatment it is Clarified Butter. Yes, a spa hair treatment awaits you at the grocery store. You just need to go buy it. Do this once a week and leave on at least 20 minutes. Your hair will say… Thank You!!

My clients teach me and I teach them. Caring is sharing!I hope you’ve enjoyed my tips and tricks!

woman wearing green rib turtleneck sweater

Photo by Jennifer Enujiugha on

How To Celebrate Cinco De Mayo At Home With A Virtual Fiesta — StyleCaster

Sharing is caring. I love a good party. Even if it is for one. And even if we are not going to be able to celebrate like years gone by. Check out this fun blog post from one of my fave bloggers. Get shopping it is just days away.

While Cinco de Mayo officially celebrates the 1862 Mexican army’s victory over the French, it’s become a holiday that people across the world celebrate. Typically, most people would spend the day eating at Mexican restaurants, downing margaritas and throwing parties—but in these unprecedented times, we’re having to adjust how we celebrate. Luckily, there are so many…

via How To Celebrate Cinco De Mayo At Home With A Virtual Fiesta — StyleCaster


I came across this blog and thought you might find it an interesting read.

Can COVID-19 Live On Your Beauty Products?

By Daley Quinn

If there’s ever been a time that you really, really need to wash those nasty makeup brushes, now would probably be it. With the coronavirus swiftly sweeping across our nation every day, many beauty devotees are left wondering: can COVID-19 live on your beauty products?

While you’re most likely stuck working from home, you probably aren’t wearing too much makeup, unless your manager insists on having 75 Zoom video conference meetings in a day. Or perhaps you’re in the mood to get a bit dolled up for your impromptu date night with a partner, leftover chicken and pasta included. Or maybe you’re just bored and really wanting to practice your application technique with the free time you now have. Regardless, it’s imperative that you be washing your hands often during this time, but it’s also important to be wiping down surfaces throughout the day while you’re stuck at home—this includes your beauty products. Celebrity makeup artist and Veil Cosmetics founder, Sébastien Tardif, walks us through the steps on how to keep your makeup kit as clean as possible.

colored powders and brush

Photo by 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐇𝐃 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞- 𝐮𝐩 & 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐦𝐞 on

So, can COVID-19 live on makeup?

According to a new study published on March 17, 2020 by the New England Journal of Medicine, the coronavirus can remain stable on different types of surfaces for different amounts of time. The study tested how long the coronavirus can live on various surfaces within a controlled laboratory setting and found that it was still detectable on copper for up to four hours, on cardboard for up to 24 hours, and on plastic and steel for up to 72 hours.

Considering many cosmetic products are made from plastic, it’s safe to say that you should be cleaning all your beauty products often (which is probably something you should have been doing prior to the COVID-10 pandemic, but we’ll give you a break this time). Unfortunately, it’s not yet known if the virus can live inside the actual formulas, such as in liquids or powders.

How should you clean your beauty products and brushes?

In terms of cleaning your makeup brushes, Tardif suggests cleaning them as you normally would, and paying more attention to cleaning your hands instead. If you have been diligently in self-isolation, you can continue to wash your brushes once or twice a week for good measure,” suggests Tardif. To properly clean your brushes, simply use a mild shampoo or soap, make it into a lather in the palm of your hand, and rinse with warm water until no soap comes out of the brush. Squeeze excess water gently and leave to dry overnight.

“If you have been out and about meeting people and touching your face, make sure to wash your hands and face first—no need to wash your brushes more often,” he says. Keeping your hands clean is the most important.

When using makeup or skincare products while quarantined, try to wipe them down with a disinfectant wipe or spray every time you use them. Yes, it might be a pain, but considering the virus can live on plastic surfaces for up to 72 hours, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

How can you apply makeup more hygienically during the coronavirus outbreak?

“COVID-19 or not, never put your fingers in your makeup and skincare jars, as bacteria proliferation will develop and cause your product to fail you and not last as long as it should,” warns Tardif. “Plus, it may even start to develop a rancid smell.” When applying a makeup or skincare product, Tardif suggests using a cotton bud or a clean mini spoon to dig out the product, so that you can avoid dipping your fingers into the formula and potentially contaminating it.

Additionally, avoid blowing on your makeup brushes when trying to get rid of excess powder prior to application—this isn’t very hygienic, either. Rather than blowing on it, tap the brush to remove excess powder.

Bottom line: Keep your beauty products clean by wiping them down after each use (if you can), but more importantly, focus your efforts on washing your hands often, as well as your face if you’ve been outside or around multiple people at once.



How To Declutter A Room In 5 Easy Steps —

I have been cleaning up and organizing in my home these past few days. How about you? What have you been doing?

This bloggers post gave me food for thought. I have a room I would like to tackle. My  office at home. We have the time.Now let’s try and use it wisely and help our mind,body and spirit.

Were all in this together! Have a beauty filled day.

By Leanne Shelton Are you sick of the inescapable mess in your home? Not only can clutter create feelings of guilt – it also inhibits productivity and creativity. And those are two undesirable traits when working from home. In our current crazy climate, decluttering rooms is a form of self-care. It means removing the ‘stuff’…

via How To Declutter A Room In 5 Easy Steps —

The Best Beauty Organizers to Give Your Vanity The Ultimate Instagrammable Makeover — StyleCaster

Some beauty inspiration while social distancing…


We all love the Instagrammable shelfie and vanity posts on social media, proudly showcasing the impressive (and impressively organized) beauty collection of our favorite influencers and editors. And while I too am fortunate enough to have a studio with a 1920s built-in vanity table, along with a semi-overflowing beauty closet, I find the challenge of…

via The Best Beauty Organizers to Give Your Vanity The Ultimate Instagrammable Makeover — StyleCaster

The 4 Signs Most Likely To Superfreak This Supermoon — StyleCaster

The first supermoon of 2020 will groove into existence on March 9, 2020, and while it will affect everyone, some signs in particular will receive a hearty vibe-check that deserves a little extra unpacking. If you’re wondering about the March 2020 full worm moon meaning, you’ve come to the right place. Basically, this supermoon is…

The 4 Signs Most Likely To Superfreak This Supermoon — StyleCaster

The Beauty Products Makeup Artists Actually Used on Celebrities at The Met Gala — StyleCaster

This year’s “Camp: Notes on Fashion” theme at the annual Met Gala not only ushered in some daring, referential, and downright jaw-dropping sartorial looks (and elaborate performances to match), but it also presented us with some soon-to-be viral celebrity beauty looks for 2019. Despite the Met Gala’s reputation as “the biggest night in fashion,” this…

via The Beauty Products Makeup Artists Actually Used on Celebrities at The Met Gala — StyleCaster