Chocolate Fix

Cocoa nibs blog photoThis morning I woke up craving NOT coffee but chocolate! I love to play in the kitchen.

Did you know that Cacao nibs are a natural way to get a chocolate fix?

2 cups of coconut milk (from the milk section)

1 teaspoon of cocoa powder

1  frozen banana

sprinkle of Chia seeds (Cause it wouldn’t hurt to add them)

sprinkle of cocoa nibs to taste

a drizzle of organic honey

Blend in a blender and you have a sweet sensation that’s not too sweet.

A quick chocolate CRAVING fix!

*Oh and for a shot for my skin I added a spoonful of  NeoCell Super Collagen powder…for hair,skin nails,bones, joints and more! To get my glow on and to be a Glow Getter.



I wondered what the buzz was all about?


So, I finally bought one!!!

I have watched women,some men and children’s mom’s roll this round sphere on their lips! But it looked so awkward to apply. AND much larger than a set of lips!

So, first as I unwrapped it out of the wrapper and tried to open the container. Call me lame and uncoordinated but I could not get it open for what seemed like forever.

So, once I finally opened it the scent was AMAZING! Cause anything coconut milk count me in!

Next I rolled with much care the wax like dome over my lips…WOW that was no fun and quite the experience. It didn’t feel as luxurious as rotating and applying my lipstick or other lip balms on my lips. It rubbed have my face makeup off and made my lips feel blah.

I wanted to LOVE it!  But I didn’t even like it. I hated using it. And my lips were dry as can be after using it. So, you say give it another whirl. Well I did! Day,night,exercising and sleeping in it. It just wasn’t for me!

Have you ever tried it? Do you love it? I feel like a total failure.

Or have you tried any products lately that were NOT for you?

Let’s share. Let’s talk. Post away. I am waiting for ya!

Because you asked…MY Skin Care Rituals!

Beauty Infusion

The most common question I get asked is what are  MY daily skin rituals?

So, because so many of you have asked I decided to share it with you.

#1 I take care of my skin!

NO secret there. I never go to sleep with the end of the days makeup on. No matter how tired I am or how much champagne I  might have enjoyed at a beauty event or at a party that evening.I always remove my makeup and wash my face well.

My main goal is to have healthy looking clear (blemish free skin) skin and also want to be healthy from within!

I love to spray my face with rosewater during the day.I also set my makeup with it.

I don’t wear lots of foundation.I apply it where I need it. I am not fond of looking at a couple of  sunspots I got from sunbathing when I first moved to Florida.I like an even looking  complexion.

I am a “water girl”…I drink tons of it!!!

I drink bottled water and also enjoy drinking a special water called All Beauty Water. I rarely drink soda or other sweet drinks.

After I wake up I drink a cup of hot water with a squeeze of lemon.This is my go to!!!

My mother taught me this since I was a little girl.She drank this daily. Then I drink either coffee or aromatic jasmine tea. Sometimes depending how my day is going to be I drink  Italian coffee with a pot I bought in Italy I got addicted to it on trips to Italy.

I take Belle + Bella   Probiology  capsule probiotic daily.It really helps me to maintain healthy skin from within…the gut~

I also love to drink my collagen and wear it too with NeoCell‘s new collagen supplement in powder form and my standby Beauty Infusion powder skin supplements by NeoCell too. Just add them to water,sip and go! My skin LOVES it and it shows.

Since moving from NYC/NJ to sunny  Florida for my husband I have gotten smarter and learned to love adding a sunscreen to my beauty skin routine.After meeting countless women with weathered sun damaged skin,I simply had to.

I also learned a good pair of sunglasses “sunnies” are a healthy addition to my fashion/SKINcare wardrobe.”They protect your eyes as well as the skin around your eyes where squinting wrinkles form.

I love to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. I buy them almost on a daily basis.Fresh is BEST! They do wonders for your skin.I love to visit Asian market and stores and farmers markets or shop at Whole Foods Market or Trader Joe’s.

I love supporting small biz farmers vegetable and fruit stands when I travel too! This weekend I am going to enjoy steamed veggies,yummy salads with edible flowers,I’ll make some blueberry sangria and a bit of naughty.Not sure what that naughty will be.

When I want to eat candy I love Sweet Pete’s in Jacksonville Florida or shop Dylan’s Candy Bar in NYC or pop in the Sugar Factory in LV…but since  sweets age your skin faster I put myself on pause and eat a Beauty Burst by NeoCell.It is like candy for your skin. It has wonderful bonuses  for skin,nails and my hair and tastes like a StarBurst’s chewy candy.Taking vitamins never tasted or feels so good.

Since I LOVE natural I am going to make my skin a treat! I use this mask before I put on makeup. I vary using different fresh recipes I have created through the years.

An Oatmeal & Coconut Milk Face Mask

Try this recipe if you like to D.I.Y.face mask:

3 ounces of ground oats

1 1/2 ounces of coconut milk

Optional: Grind a small vanilla bean into the oats.It will smell amazing!

Mix dry with the wet ingredients and add a dash of fresh whole milk if it is not moist enough.

Apply to a clean face and leave on about 10-15 minutes.

The Beauty Benefits?

Great for all skin types including sensitive skin. It adds moisture to your complexion and gently exfoliates dry flaky skin too. I prefer to leave it on 10 minutes or so. Rinse mask off with  warm water and a washcloth. Add any one of the  moisturizer’s on my shelf and apply Young Eyes eye gel.

I also will slice some cold cucumbers and place one of each on my eye lids and rest my eyes. I truly think music is healting to the soul and calms the spirit.My fav’ is listening to the beautiful music of George Skaroulis “Sanctuary or David Young’s “Bliss”. If you don’t know their music you need to!

Hope you enjoyed a peek inside my skin care rituals.

I embrace my not so perfect lovely face. Do you?  What do you do?

*Due to your requests and inspired by the site Into The Gloss too. I hope you enjoyed the rituals I do.More on my skin rituals to come .


SMOOTH SMOOTHIE…my happy hour on a hot day!

I love to cook and MAKEUP! I also love to whip up unexpected delicious fun in my kitchen.

1 banana
1 cup of plain Chobani yogurt
1 cup of strawberries
1/4 cup of coconut milk
ice cubes

Mix all of the above in a blender and enjoy the healthy beautiful benefits. This smoothie is not only good for your skin but great for your digestive track.If your tummy is happy the rest of you is happy. Enjoy dahlings! GREAT for your sweetie and family too.

* OOPS!I love it so much I just downed one COLD one so fast as it is a HOT day in sunny Florida today!
I’ll post photo when I make another one.