Do you use … Makeup Wipes?

In a rush, in a pinch and for travel I do tend to use them too. So, I wanted to share a “beauty hack” I love to do. I didn’t always do it. But once Covid hit and things were on limited supply I started to do this.

Use the makeup towelette. Follow up with soaps water washing your face!

When it’s time to remove my makeup I take the towelette wipe out of the package. Next I grab a pair of scissors, fully open the wipe and CUT it in half. I then I wipe away the makeup and the long day away!

The half wipe towelette removes makeup just as efficient (unless you’re wearing theatrical or lots of makeup.) Then since I am also a soap and water girl I follow up and wash my face with a dash of Dove cleansing soap bar. Or use your favorite face wash.

Doing this step after using the makeup wipe makes MY face feel cleaner.

Doing this makeup wipe beauty hack saves you money$$$

It’s better for the 🌎 planet.

And you’ll feel good 😍 too!

Let’s celebrate Earth Day every single day and save money too one step at a time!


Using makeup wipes on your face is not great for the skin on a daily basis. Rubbing that paper like cloth can scratch your face. Over time too tough on the skin. So,use and choose them wisely!

Self-Care Sunday …Hand Mask

Lately I’ve noticed women’s hands and feet. While waiting on lines, while grabbing a bite to eat or my clients at my beauty cottage.

Your hands go through sun 🌞 and environmental stressors not to mention using home cleaning products and hand sanitizer. Not just your face. So, they are dry and thirsty for attention.

Hand Mask to the rescue!

Some of you who read my blog may know by now how much I ❤️ to make pretty potions!

So here’s one for you!

One of the mask DIY recipes I like to do is right out of the kitchen. Not a product from a store shelf. This mask gently moisturizes and is applied to the top of the hands.

Easy as 1,2,3.

1 tablespoon of oats

1 teaspoon of lemon juice

1 tablespoon of olive oil

Mix all of the above. Add water as needed. The mask will be like a paste consistency.

Apply the mask mixture to your hands with a face mask brush or a clean pastry brush.

Leave on at least 15 minutes.

Rub your hands together another minute.

Rinse well with in the sink with a washcloth.

If you have any left over. Save it for another time. Don’t save more than a couple of days. There are no preservatives.

Follow with your favorite hand or body lotion.

You’ll have happy,softer, brighter skin on your hands.

Are your pores…

So big you can swim in them?

One of my clients told me her pores are so big you can swim in them. She has always had a love hate relationship with her skin…Large Pores!

She asked me what’s a simple DIY she can try for minimizing not eliminating (they don’t go away) them. Heres a trick I’ve used often. My husband calls me a “Witchy Woman” because I use this. I know he loves me but the teasing doesn’t stop!

Now I’ve got him using it on his face too.

Witch Hazel works wonders in more ways than one. I don’t find it smells fabulous and more medicinal but… it’s cheap and readily available at drug stores and more.

After you wash your face pour some witch hazel on a cotton round and swipe on your face. Stay away from the eyes and lips.

Concentrate on your T-Zone as well as areas you feel your pores are larger.

Use this on a regular basis and you will notice a reduction in your pores.

Of course there are face masks that you can do like egg whites and oatmeal to gently scrub but give good old fashioned witch hazel a try. The beauty benefits and results may just surprise you!

Day 26 of MY Beauty Secrets

It is a pandemic and it is taking a toll on our face,hair and body.

So best thing for you to do is drink some smoothies for your skin and enjoy the beauty and nourishment from within. Your hair will shine and look sublime.

Have you tried juicing at home?

Once you start you don’t want to turn back! And it’s so delicious and good for you.

I love to make all kinds of juices with my juicer and with my blender. I love shopping the farmers market, roadside stands especially in the summer and buying fruit and veggies from Asian markets too. The exotic fruits are so fun to explore.

Exotic fruits are so fun to shop for!

Here’s one of my many favorite recipes !

Fresh & Tropical Delight

1 Banana 🍌

1 papaya

1 pineapple 🍍 slice and skin temoved

1 orange 🍊

1 glass of coconut 🥥 water

Blend well! Enjoy this healthy tropical delight! Embellish with an umbrella and sip away and pretend you’re in the tropics.


Another favorite drink of mine is to make a simple recipe fresh carrot 🥕 juice.

5 fresh carrots. Tops cut off

Leave the skin on DO NOT peel for it is filled with minerals and vitamins.

Add a small piece of garlic and a a touch of ginger. Even better.

I love to make them with coconut water too!

I try to make and drink fresh home-made juice and smoothie weekly. Get to know all the beauty from your garden and get a healthier start in the new year.

My yummy beauty secret.

Day 21 of MY Beauty Secrets

Working in Manhattan on photo shoots and on special events taught me a lot! One of the beauty dilemmas I saw when we had an early call on set was… the models had puffy face and eyes And dark bags under the eyes especially when the sun 🌞 hadn’t even come up yet.

So besides using 🥒 cool cucumber slices, chamomile and anti-inflammatory eye gels on the lids and under the eyes and face there was another trick I discovered and have used on myself and on my VIP clients and the girl next door!

The answer was cold tepid 💦 water. Splashing the face with water at least 8 to 10 times works magic!

It’s especially good to do once you get out of the shower. It deflates and wakes up the face! It also appeared to make the pores appear smaller.

Also, they would not serve them coffee and donuts. They would serve them a cup of warm lemon water. It made them tinkle a lot !

There’s something wonderful about that water!

Better than a face primer! Water! 💦

And drinking it actually made the face and the body look skinnier and flatten the tummy too for photographs or on an event location appearance.

I never forgot that trick… so simple and so effective!

Next time you have someplace special to go to or get your photo taken and more. TRY this model and photographers trick!

Dull Tired Skin?

Afternoon delight or after dinner beauty while in quarantine. Dull dry skin needs your attention for your makeup to glide on like silk and for your skin to feel softer and look refreshed and smooth again.

This recipe’s anti-oxidants and lactic acid also help with fine lines and wrinkles.

What you will need is:

A bottle of red 🍷 wine

2 tablespoons of wine

2 tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt (organic)

*This recipe is for adults only please.

Another version can be by simply adding a teaspoon of honey 🍯 to the recipe. Very extra hydration.

Mix all of these in a small glass bowl.

Wash your face.

Apply mask ingredients to your face.

While the face mask dries sip a glass of heart ❤️ healthy wine 🍷 if you’d like.

Leave on at least 15 minutes.

Rinse off with lukewarm water and a washcloth.

Apply your moisturizer and eye gel or cream and you’re good to go.

Your skin will love you back. I promise!

bottle container cream creamy

Photo by Burst on

alcohol bar beverage black background

Photo by on