Girls just want to have FUN too!

I am on a TV morning show today and sharing some summer time fun with the little and pre-teen viewers. Slumber Party under the stars or small gathering in your garden or at home. I’ve got you covered!

Photo by RODNAE Productions on

I hope you enjoy the video link of me on River City Live TV available later today and and use these fun ideas and tips this summer and beyond. Little girls want to enjoy some fun with mom,dad,auntie, glamma and your friends/cousins of course.

Tips for getting that…Kiss of Summer Look!

Today on TV I am sharing some skin care secrets on ways to prep your face and body for a gorgeous tan or safe faux tan.

You can catch the video link later this morning once it is up on on the one and only Channel 4 in sunny Jacksonville Florida. The Morning Show.

1.Prep your skin with an exfoliant product for a flawless smoother tan.They work wonders and kiss your dull tired skin “Goodbye!” I am crazy about Cure Natural Aqua gel, Fake Bakes Exfoliating Wipes and I also love and old school Creamy Honey and Almond scrub. You decide what works for you. They all work well.

2.Hydrate the skin with a moisturizer.

3.Check out the latest trends in self tanning.

Tanning Drops (Yes, it’s a thing!) by Farmhouse Fresh goods called Bronze Fox.

Tan Towel a towelette that you wiper on the tan.

Flawless Self Tan liquid by Fake Bake. Fake Bake even has a body mate microfiber band with handles to apply your self-tanner evenly and with ease. ALL streak free …no bad scent. They even make a self-tanner for the face. Guys you’ll love to use these too.

beach birds calm clouds

Photo by Pixabay on


4.Powder Bronzer like Fake Bake is a multi-purpose beauty product. I like to use it as an all over face color to fake a tan,as a blush or as an eye shadow or eyeliner when used with a brush. Dip your clean lip brush in it and you can even make a lipstick in a pinch by adding a clear lip balm over it on your lips.

Photo by Ali Pazani on

5. In or out of the sun practice safe sun with a sunscreen daily. No matter what your coloring is… especially living in sunny Florida. Sunscreen is a must.

I love to spend time in the sun. Really I do. But now I only take a walk on the beach for some Vitamin C/Sea. As a skin cancer survivor I KNOW and learned the hard way.

Be sun smart,Fake Bake!

woman seated on textile applying suncsreen

Photo by Retha Ferguson on



Cozy up with a good book …Ladies!

photo DVF

While you are chillin’ out this weekend or shopping the sales.

If your’re passionate about designer fashion and stories. Grab yourself a copy of this DELICIOUS book about designer DVF!

Launched a few months ago by Haper Collins/Dey St. books  author Gioia Diliberto’s book is a FABULOUS  read.

Beautiful “You” time Jacksonville…at Whole Foods Market


Looking for a morning escape while the kids are in school? Want to have some me time,make new friends and GIRL FUN?

Want to learn the latest beauty and skin trends?
Looking for a healthier approach to beauty? Me too.That is why I do these classes on TV,print and guest speaking all over the country too.
I’ll be whipping up some amazing delights.

Join me at Whole Foods Market on San Jose Blvd. in Jacksonville Weds. September 10th at 10:00 AM in the stores Lifestyle center.

Door Prizes,FREE samples from NeoCell and so much MORE! click on EVENT calendar.You’ll see the class and follow to the evite TO GET YOUR TICKET.
Questions? JUST CALL or email the store.

Your time with me is absolutely FREE!

Are you HOT AS HELL Ladies?


I’m cooled off today with the AMAZING, COOL & REFRESHING…Hot Girls Pearls

You can be too! These cool fashion statements are gorgeous for the neck or wrists and come in a variety of shades and sizes.
Wear them at the beach, at a pool party,picnic or make a fashion statement while jogging!


You don’t have to be hot flashing to enjoy the cooling and beautfiul benefits of Hot Girls Pearls! Take it from this NEW YORKER living in steamy hot Florida.
My body LOVES them!

Day 20 to more beautiful skin

MiaColorFan-7 colorsLadies and Girls listen up!

As a beauty PRO hearing you going to sleep with your makeup on…makes me wanna scream!
While I am not perfect and I have done it a few times in my life when I was in my late teens. I want you to keep in mind your face will not be so kind to you and pores will clog, skin will look dirty and you won’t feel very pretty. Those of you who want to look younger are actually aging your skin faster by not washing it day and night!

YOU must wash your face at night from ALL the days makeup, stress and pollution too!
I have shared with you before my beauty secret…Clarisonic sonic cleansing unit. It wiggles my face clean unlike a wash cloth. It’s all the rage with celebrities too! I professionally recommend it to all my clients in my studio too.

Looking good and healthy looking flawless skin takes work!
What you do today will show on your face tomorrow. You decide how good do you want your skin to look!!!