Make your feet Happy!

Trekking all over town for errands, gifts and stocking stuffers is exhausting. So, this calls for a little self-care.

Take time for a mini nap or at least prop up your feet on your favorite pillow.

Put in some of your favorite music.

Light and turn on a faux candle.

Make a pretty potion like this!

Here’s what you’ll need for this DIY recipe for your feet.

Get in a relaxed state of mind. Think good thoughts.

Photo by Craig Adderley on

1 cup of Coconut milk

1 cup of organic or local honey

Boil a pot of water

Pour the ingredients above into a basin of water. Make sure it’s not too hot. Stir well.

Next I like to sprinkle a little cinnamon or nutmeg to this foot bath. So aromatic…Just for fun!

Pamper those feet! They do so much for you!

Photo by Laura Garcia on

Soak your feet at least 15 minutes.

Rinse with lukewarm water and a washcloth. Pat your skin with a towel.

Apply your favorite hand and body lotion or foot cream.

Put a pair of white cotton socks. Take a nap or you’re ready for bed.

Enjoy softer skin, relaxed feet and body and put a smile on your feet.

Always wanted to do it!

What did I want to do???

Photo by Alena Darmel on

Celebrate the Hindu festival of color called HOLI! It looks like such a beautiful, delicious, family & friends fun and above all colorful time… All to celebrate and welcome in spring! It looks so freeing and fun!

I love,love, love color! 💚❤️💜🧡💙❤️🤍💛

Photo by Rupam Dutta on

Have you ever participated in this beauty filled & colorful festival?

Nails Trends in 2019 Will Make Both Minimalists and Maximalists Happy — StyleCaster

There’s something about a manicure, be it low-key and neutral or blinged out and pointy à la Cardi B, that sort-of completes a look. And regardless of your personal style, nail trends in 2019 will check off all the boxes. Sure, a mani is on the smaller side and nowhere near as attention-grabbing as a…

via Nails Trends in 2019 Will Make Both Minimalists and Maximalists Happy — StyleCaster

Makeup FUN!

Doing your makeup should not be a chore! It should be fun!!!  IMG_2167.JPG

These makeup brushes swam into my makeup studio this week and are mermaid approved…This shipment really made our shoppers HAPPY to shop my studio Saturday too. I always like to offer the fun factor and spice things up. Aren’t they cute?

They are so lightweight.There are 4 different sizes. They are used to softly contour,can be used to apply blush or powder your face up. The smallest of them all can also be used to blend eye shadow. No they are not sable and yes the handles are not made of wood or bamboo. BUT they are fun and shout “Pick me up and play with me!” 

You shouldn’t ever think makeup is a chore. It should be fun and oh so much more. I can’t stop swirling color on face with them. Not all your makeup brushes have to be the same basic ones.

So, get out there and treat yo’self  to something that makes you smile and paint your face  & feel playful and prettier too.


One of my top obsessions!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE…ALL things office supplies!


I love the colored organizers,desk chairs in hot colors, blinged out staplers,colored writing pens,Sharpie maker pens,rubber bands in all hues and the colorful beauty of writing and printer papers. The crazy part is I think I might love office and paper supply stores just as much as lipstick and that is epic.

I just visited The Container Store and roamed the store for hours! I am addicted. It is my happy place besides being in my own store.The second I get into a store like this or a paper/card store I love the smell. The thrill of being there. Do you like it too? Do you have a passion for office supplies too?

I so look forward to hearing from you!

Share with me your LOVES too!



Peter Max kissed me!

Peter WJXT4

Today at the TV station I was doing a segment on all things Chocolate Beauty and having a Girls night In or a spa night with your sweetie.

While setting up my DIY yourself spa treats I heard a familiar voice over my shoulder. I have a GREAT memory for voices and accents too. It was a man with a northern accent. Being from NYC and NJ this accent warms my soul and reminds me of home.He asked me what was I doing and what were all the things. I was so focused on what I was doing I did not turn around but answered his questions. He told me he loves chocolate.

When I was all done…I tied my apron on and saw a familiar face to go with the voice.It was the next guest for the show had arrived and he too was waiting his turn. Then the camera crew started setting up some GORGEOUS,colorful paintings and it all came together to me. PETER MAX the world-renowned artist was in front of me!!!

Before I did anything else I put my hand on my heart and said I thought that was YOU and your soothing voice too”. He smiled and cupped my cheeks in his hands and kissed me! YES, he kissed me not once but bunches and with a happy smile on his face. Did I mind? NO, they came so quick and from a man who appeared so kind and romantic.

Something we definitely see in his artwork! I have always been a fan.

I asked if I could take a photo of him. He posed perfect and then he was up to go on set and be interviewed.

After his interview on his guest appearance/event at the Ponte Vedra Cultural Center he was ready to leave. The news crew had put my microphone on and I had to go LIVE in seconds.No time to say a proper goodbye.So across the studio on a commercial break I whispered with a loud voice…”Goodbye,Mr.Max”. He immediately turned around and blew me some air KISSES with his hands.

LOVE was and is in the air today and my ST. Valentine’s Day started in the most fabulous way!!!

There are ALL kinds of love.Husband and wife love,BFF love d the love of your family and children love. But this kind of stranger love winked at me today in its own special way. I embraced this life moment and happy I MADE HIM SMILE.

There is a beautiful saying I am not sure who said it and if I am completely writing it right.

“People may forget what you said,forget what you did but NEVER forget how you made them feel”

Peter Max made me feel fabulous and special today in his own quiet way!!! I only regret not having the time to take a photo with him today.

I may never wash my cheeks again.

Kiss! Kiss! Hope you are having a fabulous ST. Valentine’s day.

If you don’t know this man’s work that will color your life and world…

Check out:

The little things in life!

Hampton lips

My hotel made me smile from the moment I arrived.

The smiling face at the front desk to greet me,the fresh out of the oven cookie to take to my room and then this. Oh Happy day! A set of his and hers cups too cute for days.

It is really about the little things that come our way throughout our day. Isn’t it?

Hampton Inn how did you know I LOVE all things cookies and lips!


My stay was a few days ago and I still can’t get this out of my head.

Time to upgrade your Blow Dryer!

Bright-Pink-CHI-Touch-Blow-Dryer A new year calls for you to clean your blow dryer filter or toss it away if it is has seen it’s day. MY hair’s new BFF is this NEW blow dryer by CHI. Just blow drying with it makes me so HAPPY. IT’S FOR ME! CHI TOUCH is the world’s first touch screen hair dryer!

  • 1800 watts gives you 50% less drying time
  • Light ergonomic design
  • Infrared technology to control frizzies,this ceramic hair dryer reduces static and rehydrates dry damaged hair.
  • Temperature settings to control how you want to blow
  • There is even a setting for hair type!

Don’t you just LOVE this lipstick pink shade? This shade is a limited edition so if you love the way this sounds go find one! A new year a new blow dryer too! Start fresh!

SMOOTH SMOOTHIE…my happy hour on a hot day!

I love to cook and MAKEUP! I also love to whip up unexpected delicious fun in my kitchen.

1 banana
1 cup of plain Chobani yogurt
1 cup of strawberries
1/4 cup of coconut milk
ice cubes

Mix all of the above in a blender and enjoy the healthy beautiful benefits. This smoothie is not only good for your skin but great for your digestive track.If your tummy is happy the rest of you is happy. Enjoy dahlings! GREAT for your sweetie and family too.

* OOPS!I love it so much I just downed one COLD one so fast as it is a HOT day in sunny Florida today!
I’ll post photo when I make another one.